Wow! Here is Hayden exactly a year ago. Wasn't he sweet. Boy has that changed! Hayden has now learned a new great word. No. Its not just no its NO! A big forceful, NO MOM. When i tell him we don't tell Mama no he will say Mama, Mama, Mama, until i answer him, and then says NO. Stinker. Also he yells, Move, and Come Here. He is being a good little potty trainer. He woke up this morning and took off his diaper and went "Winky" on his potty chair right away. We are getting there. I haven't really tried pull ups or anything. I am waiting for him.
He talks all the time. Tonight we were driving past our house and i didn't stop or slow down or anything and Hayden said Bye Hayden's House and he also LOVES christmas lights. He does have one favorite house though. All it has is LED blue and green lights. But everytime we drive bye its Oh pretty lights. Every other house its just Oh Lights!
Hayden also misses Jessica very much. All morning along its Where's Jess. Where's Lissie. Poor kid. Its hard to tell him where they are. But Lisa is always working and Jessica is always at home. Everytime we see a beige colored SUV, its Lissie's car, Jess's car. Today we pulled up next to a rusted out old jimmy and he thought that was theirs too.
Today was Jacob's 3rd birthday. Hayden gave him a birthday smack. It was the first time at Angie's that he was naughty! We had a good talking to tonight. Hayden now knows that we dont hit. We don't take or break toys. And we don't push. Sorry Lisa but i think Hayden picked that up from Jessica!!!! Remeber when we use to talk about them picking things up from each other like crawling, Sitting, Standing, talkingm, and Walking! But i suppose they have to pick up those Two year old habits somewhere!!!! I am sure Jessica is walking around screaming "OW." That's what Hayden says whenever he doesn't like something. And Hayden yelled at Jessica a few times. He yells even if someone gets like too close to him, its awful. In the middle of Target, screaming ow isnt so cool. I swear people think i beat him or something right there in the store! Hayden misses Jessica so maybe that's his way of keeping her close to him!!! =) (But then again he could of gotten it straight from Jacob who i do recall did push him after my sweet innocent little son stole his train!) See Jessica is innocent! She is our princess. Kasie thinks that Princesses are perfect! She has a lot to teach my little prince! Here I included a picture from Jessica giving Hayden the first lesson in being perfect no stealing! Those were Jessica's crackers!
Well i hope everyone has a great week. Good Night!
He talks all the time. Tonight we were driving past our house and i didn't stop or slow down or anything and Hayden said Bye Hayden's House and he also LOVES christmas lights. He does have one favorite house though. All it has is LED blue and green lights. But everytime we drive bye its Oh pretty lights. Every other house its just Oh Lights!
Hayden also misses Jessica very much. All morning along its Where's Jess. Where's Lissie. Poor kid. Its hard to tell him where they are. But Lisa is always working and Jessica is always at home. Everytime we see a beige colored SUV, its Lissie's car, Jess's car. Today we pulled up next to a rusted out old jimmy and he thought that was theirs too.
Today was Jacob's 3rd birthday. Hayden gave him a birthday smack. It was the first time at Angie's that he was naughty! We had a good talking to tonight. Hayden now knows that we dont hit. We don't take or break toys. And we don't push. Sorry Lisa but i think Hayden picked that up from Jessica!!!! Remeber when we use to talk about them picking things up from each other like crawling, Sitting, Standing, talkingm, and Walking! But i suppose they have to pick up those Two year old habits somewhere!!!! I am sure Jessica is walking around screaming "OW." That's what Hayden says whenever he doesn't like something. And Hayden yelled at Jessica a few times. He yells even if someone gets like too close to him, its awful. In the middle of Target, screaming ow isnt so cool. I swear people think i beat him or something right there in the store! Hayden misses Jessica so maybe that's his way of keeping her close to him!!! =) (But then again he could of gotten it straight from Jacob who i do recall did push him after my sweet innocent little son stole his train!) See Jessica is innocent! She is our princess. Kasie thinks that Princesses are perfect! She has a lot to teach my little prince! Here I included a picture from Jessica giving Hayden the first lesson in being perfect no stealing! Those were Jessica's crackers!
Well i hope everyone has a great week. Good Night!