Okay this is quickly becoming a photo blog! Which i really am okay with. Here is my new favorite picture of my Hayden. We had lots of fun on my first official day off for the summer. Emily, Hayden and I went to Park Point for their huge rummage sales. I bought a glass pitcher, a milk bottle with a plastic Bridgeman's cap( did you know i collect milk bottles? Look next time in my house they are in the kitchen lining my shelves.) and a book. I also had a very good boy! He was a super shopper not asking for one thing! I loved it, so i bought him a slushy without him knowing where i was going. He kept saying "Oh thank you Mommy, thank you so much for my slushy" cutie! I also fell in a hole breaking Emily's antique cake stand that she bought(that is the shorten version) The long version is, I was walking with a pop in one hand the 5 pound cake stand in the other, Emily was pushing Hayden, i apparently went into la la land and the next thing i know i heard the glass shattering. I then realized i had my camera on the other hip turned to save the camera, skinned my knee, lost both shoes and still had the now just pedestal of the cake stand in my hand. I don't know how i fell or how i didn't get cut from all that glass, but i am fine. Felt HORRIBLE about the cake stand but i bought her cheese curds to make up for it. Camera is fine too! I didn't spill a drop of my drink either!
Friday, June 13, 2008
After rummage saleing we hit up two Salvation Army stores. At one they had a bunch of kids games for $0.49. I got Hungry, Hungry Hippo and Don't Break the Ice. All the pieces were in both too. They both are a huge hit for the Hay!
We had Brennah's birthday party today too. She turned 7! I can't believe it. I bought her gift from the Pumpkin Patch i need an excuse to shop there since Hayden is well set for clothes.
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there too! I think the father in our household has requested Golf if the weather holds up.
Happy Summer too!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:20 PM 0 comments
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