Well Jason is home! He had a rough time with Chicago taking off the plane was 40 minutes late leaving the airport and he only had 45 minutes in between his flight to Duluth. But the nice people that NWA are held the Duluth plane until he was on the plane. There were like 10 people on the Chicago flight flying to Duluth and that just about doubled the amount of people on the plane to Duluth. So that was great! Hayden and I got to see his plane come into Duluth with a giant bump. Jason said he felt like a basketball hitting the runaway. It was weird watching it bounce. But he's home with all his luggage and everything! He had a great time and learned a lot! He also made the Dean's List. Which means he got 90% or better on his assessment. Only about 20 people did out of like 125! He knows his stuff.
So Hayden never fails to amaze me! Yesterday we were just hanging around the house being lazy and he brought me the phone and showed me the "2". I was like wow good job. Then later we were looking at some other numbers and he would point and tell what number it was. I was jaw dropping shocked. I have NEVER worked with him on sight recognition with his numbers. But sure enough he knows 0-10. I am thinking it's from his Elmo movie that they count down from 10-1 like 80 times in the 1/2 movie. But i can't believe how fast he picked that up. He just got the movie for Christmas and it's not like he watches that one everyday! Ahhh I am so easy to impress!
Mommy went shopping again this weekend! Gymboree was having a HUGE sale where everything was 20% off reduced prices plus i had another 20% off coupon so i bought a huge bag full of stuff for $50.60 which then i received $25.00 in Gymbucks! I bought some baby clothes for Angie's newest baby, Lily who is going to arrive Friday! And Jennifer and Neil's son Hudson. Who we were having a shower for on Friday! I got a little carried away for Angie but i can't turn down cute girls clothes! Hopefully we wouldn't have a girl ever or Jason will need to get a second job!
Well I hope everyone had a great weekend! Have a great work week! Special thanks to Smith for the super cute clothes she bought for Hayden on her girls weekend! Here is a super cheesy smile from Hayden! Please note the huge Afro he has. Mommy used her curl shampoo on him!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:14 AM 0 comments
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