Thursday, September 17, 2009

I feel as if I haven't blogged enough about my favorite things for Baby Carson. I LOVE my sling. Its seriously is the greatest thing I purchased for him. I bought some things(the sling, video monitor, trumpette socks etc) because they are in....and well I could! But the Sling is so loved and I recommend it to any Mom out there.

My Sling is the Serene Sling in Chocolate/Ivory. It was a very wide shoulder strap to distribute the weight well, very well. I have only had a sore back once and I had the sling on with Carson in it for well over 3 hours walking around the fair. I like when Jason pulls the shoulder strap down and lays it flat, you can't even feel it on you! The pocket is deep, when he was little a bit too deep but its perfect for throwing my wallet and phone into with the baby. The fabric is awesome and must be very breathable because we never got uncomfortable this summer with it on. Carson always stayed cool. It also has held up very well. The pattern in attractive and I receive many compliments on it. It comes with a pamphlet showing you the different holds. We have tried a few now and we like when he faces me snuggled up to my chest.

I did not pay the price on the website...I bought it from another online baby store that had it marked down to $36.00, I think they forgot the 1 in front, but oh well for them. I am in love with my Serene Sling and excited that it will be with us through Carson's toddler years.

The Many Faces of Baby Carson....

Scrub Look
Mommy not feeding me
Ohhh Hi Mom(almost sitting up alone!)
Bath Time!
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Hayden started Preschool this week! I can't believe my baby is old enough for school. Its a program from 9-11:30 2 days a week. Its only his first week but he loves it! Yeah! On Thursday he gets a swimming lesson, which I am sure will be the highlight of each week. He has a little hook with his name on it and a little person that he puts on the home/school side of the board each time. He eagerly picks out his name tag and can't wait to play with the dinosaurs in the rice table...and he gets a green dot at circle time. Life is great for this little guy!

Today I came early to pick him up, Mama was curious how the swimming lessons worked and his teacher came up to me and told me what a nice, polite little boy he is. She however was most impressed that he could make a basket in the gym, in the adult sized hoops. Hehehehe, we knew that! I laughed she was like Holy Cow. Hayden is also about a head taller than any other little boys. There is another girl who just turned 5 on Sept 2 that is just about Haydens size, she is from Haiti actually. Okay since its my blog and I'll brag if i want to. The Aquatics director came over to me and asked if I was Hayden's mom and wanted to know where he had been taking swimming lessons...which he hasn't and told me he was a very advanced swimmer and she was really impressed. He got bumped up to the highest level class. He makes his Mommy very proud!

On Tuesday when we got there I was a little nervous, he is a man and doesn't talk about his feelings so I wasn't sure how he felt about me leaving him and we got to school and I asked him if he wanted me to stay for a while(we were welcome too) and he said "Bye Mom you can go now" Whew. Looking back on it I probably should of been a little heartbroken but thats what I needed to hear to know he was going to be okay! When I picked him up I asked him all about school, not really getting anything from him, what kid does, but I asked him if he made any friends and he told me that he was going to make them on Thursday. Funny, funny Hayden.

Football starts on Saturday, should be a good time....kinda. Program kind of sucks, oh well he has fun.

The swim director also informed me of another program for Hayden on Fridays but I don't think he'll be able to do that one with my work schedule for now....