Update: No pictures happened last night! Hayden fell asleep and I couldn't wake him up. Appointment on Friday!
Here is a picture of Hayden in Brandon's new room! And a good example of his hair cut. Enjoying the Snow!
- Christmas Tree and Decorations up.
- Finish Christmas Shopping(Yes thats right finish!)
- Make my Apple Crisp, French Silk Pie, and Sweet Potato Casserole(For Thanksgiving!)
- Get All my loose ends done at work
- Hopefully paint the bathroom
Hayden has been a non stop talking hoot lately. "Why" "Why" "Why" Its enough to drive one nuts! But after talking to my aunt whose Grandson doesn't ask these type of questions i am quite Thankful for my wonderful, smart, beautiful son.
We have had a little issue potty training. He can't seem to make it to the bathroom. He has wet on my Pottery Barn bath mat one to many times! But we did better this weekend and only had one accident. Pullups are great!
Anybody have any ideas on the buffy? I'd love to hear them. I once heard of someone putting all the buffys in a stocking and then Santa would take them and leave gifts in return. Or putting them all in a baggie and sending them to Sarah for her baby. Hayden is a sucker for babies!
We are getting Hayden's Christmas pictures taken tomorrow, hopefully! We have his dorky little christmas sweater vest! I'll post the link to the pics on thursday if they are ready by then. I have a truckload of Sears coupons, so hopefully i can pick up something nice!
Hayden is a huge christmas/winter freak like me! I am so proud. He was SO happy it snowed on Friday and Saturday, of course none stuck, but he saw it and got to even throw a snowball. We are going to have a fun winter! We have been listening to Christmas music too! He only likes one song though, Jingle Bells. But he loves to sing and is learning the words!
Well i hope everyone has a great week! Check out the poll i am putting up, i need help!