Carson is 11 Months Old!
Oh Carson where has this year gone. It seems that you grew up too fast, but it also seems that you are still just a baby, you are. You are a sensitive soul, easily upset at little things, like Mommy leaving the room or checking you mouth for something you aren't suppose to eat. You like to be close to me basically at all times. You dislike me going on my computer lately. You will stand next to me and whine! You do like to dig in the drawers of my computer desk and find treasures. You sense of humor is great. You are funny little guy, you love to make people laugh and seem to know how already.
You have a mouthfull of teeth that have popped all over. 4 on top 3 on love to use them to crunch and bit off your morning banana. You refuse to say the "mmmm" sound so you wouldn't say more, we've worked out a system though you like a lip smacking sound which we now know what it means!
You are walking more and more! We don't call you lazy as much anymore. Grocery shopping the other day you would walk all over at bright colored packages and cried when I would pick you up. You wanted to be free!
You went on your first Spring Break! We drove to Sanibel Island, FL. You were SO GOOD! We were a little worried you'd be a stinker, but nope you are a great traveller too! You loved the beach and being outside. You played at your first park, went into the ocean(Kind of, Gulf of Mexico), ate seashells, watch a few baseball games(you clapped for the Twins when they announced the starting line up, everyone around us thought it was SOOOO cute!), had your first taste of yummy Florida orange juice and so much more. We were so proud of you for being so good! You did however get sick, but Dr. Maria sent us a prescription to you and made you all better so you could enjoy our trip. You spent a lot of time in the Baby Bjorn and Sling just snuggling and being close while you weren't feeling the best.
You still are a good eater. In the morning you nurse, have a banana and toast/cereal/pancakes. Lunch is veggies and yogurt/cottage cheese/rice cereal and a fruit. Dinner is sometimes whatever we are eating or a meat, veggies and something else.
You still say Hay a lot! You also say Hi. You call me something that sounds like Dada, but its not!
You love your pacifier(buffy) and blankets you are always loving on them.
You seem to love dogs. Always getting excited when you see one outside or on tv.
You love to be outside. Its been so nice this spring. You really like playing in the sandbox.
You love water and your sippy cups. You have to have one pretty much at all times.
You fall asleep every time we go walking/running with the jogging are suppose to be keeping me company Monkey!
You still wear 9 month or 12 month clothing. You don't fit well into Hayden's old clothes at this age. Hayden must of stretched them or something! You are still in size 3 diapers, size 6-12 month shoes. I don't know how much you weigh because you wiggle too much to go on the scale!
Stay tuned for 1st Birthday Party details! Get ready to Monkey around!
We Love you Carson!