Well it was a interesting weekend. It was hard because Hayden has been rather naughty. But we know what that means, he is not feeling well. He hasn't been eating or drinking very well either. Sleep, who needs it! Jason and I now know that having a newborn is not in the near future! We were SOOO sleep deprived. I like sleep too much! He also has been throwing mondo tantums. Me thinking as me, thinks that he doesn't know how to soothe himself anymore because that was what Buffy was for. Daddy doesn't think so. I gave in a couple times (Don't tell Jason!!!!) this weekend begging him to take his buffy, but he won't take it. He has been officially Buffy free since wednesday morning. I feel bad for the guy! Those Daddies are mean sometimes!!!! But i guess we know who the weak one in the family is, me! I told Hayden that we gave the buffies to baby Hudsen and baby Lily (Lilly??) and he is very okay with that! But we spent the weekend pretty laid back. We got to go play in the large amount of snow! That was fun, Hayden had a blast. Please hope and pray that Hayden isn't going to get really sick and gets better at sleeping! Have a great week!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Day 4
We are going to make it after all!!!! No buffy at ALL for the last 48+ hours. He's being so good! Yeah for Hayden! He hasn't even really asked for it today! He's awesome. I guess i should give Jason all the credit for this. He's Super Dad!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 5:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: buffy
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Bye Old Friend!
Day Three: We have made it the first 24 hours with little conflict. Last night it was a nightmare. But nothing a little licorice couldn't solve. It's gone. All thanks to Jason. What is? Hayden's Buffy aka the pacifier! I didn't think it could be done. But i was wrong. We told him everyday he goes without it we'll give him a box of tic tacs, or has he wrongly calls them Certs. This is what Grandpa Mike ALWAYS has. And since telling Hayden No is rather hard thing to do for him, Hayden has kinda taken over them. But now he is very proud to have his own! Wish us luck! Pray that this can actually happen and I wouldn't crumble to that very cute face, saying pa-pa-pa-please!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:12 AM 1 comments
Labels: buffy
Monday, February 19, 2007
Well Jason is home! He had a rough time with Chicago taking off the plane was 40 minutes late leaving the airport and he only had 45 minutes in between his flight to Duluth. But the nice people that NWA are held the Duluth plane until he was on the plane. There were like 10 people on the Chicago flight flying to Duluth and that just about doubled the amount of people on the plane to Duluth. So that was great! Hayden and I got to see his plane come into Duluth with a giant bump. Jason said he felt like a basketball hitting the runaway. It was weird watching it bounce. But he's home with all his luggage and everything! He had a great time and learned a lot! He also made the Dean's List. Which means he got 90% or better on his assessment. Only about 20 people did out of like 125! He knows his stuff.
So Hayden never fails to amaze me! Yesterday we were just hanging around the house being lazy and he brought me the phone and showed me the "2". I was like wow good job. Then later we were looking at some other numbers and he would point and tell what number it was. I was jaw dropping shocked. I have NEVER worked with him on sight recognition with his numbers. But sure enough he knows 0-10. I am thinking it's from his Elmo movie that they count down from 10-1 like 80 times in the 1/2 movie. But i can't believe how fast he picked that up. He just got the movie for Christmas and it's not like he watches that one everyday! Ahhh I am so easy to impress!
Mommy went shopping again this weekend! Gymboree was having a HUGE sale where everything was 20% off reduced prices plus i had another 20% off coupon so i bought a huge bag full of stuff for $50.60 which then i received $25.00 in Gymbucks! I bought some baby clothes for Angie's newest baby, Lily who is going to arrive Friday! And Jennifer and Neil's son Hudson. Who we were having a shower for on Friday! I got a little carried away for Angie but i can't turn down cute girls clothes! Hopefully we wouldn't have a girl ever or Jason will need to get a second job!
Well I hope everyone had a great weekend! Have a great work week! Special thanks to Smith for the super cute clothes she bought for Hayden on her girls weekend! Here is a super cheesy smile from Hayden! Please note the huge Afro he has. Mommy used her curl shampoo on him!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 16, 2007
Well the week is almost over! It's been tough. Hayden has been incredibly bipolar this week. Nights have been rough. He wakes up and wants Jason, he needs to know where he is and asks about 3 times before he falls back asleep on Wednesday night he did this 5 times in the night. I had to work at 7! My dad watched him yesterday while i worked the morning shift at the school. Hayden didn't go back to sleep! I felt SO bad. It's rough to get up and watch him in the morning when you are tired because he isn't! I guess he was a stinker for him too. Well after work i had grand plans to spend the afternoon shopping. Old Navy was having an in season sale and i wanted a few things for the Hay. But i did not feel good at all when i was done with work so we came home and took a nap. It was great! 3 hours of afternoon nap! There is not anything better to me i love naps. We did get to go shopping after we brought Brandon to basketball. I got the CUTEST outfit for him. I am going to try and book a photo session with Nicole Marie in this outfit for the spring, i want them outdoors. He looks just like a little model. We also bought new swim trunks and swim shirt. I love the Old Navy Rash Guard shirts Hayden seems to stay warmer while he swims and looks cute! We also went to Target to test drive the new stroller i want. It's super nice! Its taller for Jason and I and it goes to 55 pounds where most other strollers go to 40, so its nice and roomy for Hayden. But the reason i really want it it weighs just under 9 pounds and folds really small for traveling. There is also an accessory pack that includes a travel bag, seat cover, and rain guard. I love it! I just hope Jason likes it. I want him to test it too before i buy it. I found a pretty good deal online w/free shipping. Here's a picture of it:
Here is a little message from Hayden: hwwwwghhgggggggggggggggggaaatyyyydenn bddjhjjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:10 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
♥Happy Valentine's Day ♥

Happy Valentine's Day! Hayden bought me the prettiest flowers ever! He is very very proud of them! We had to put them down lower so i didn't have to lift him up every 5 minutes! Hayden received mail(his favorite thing i think) a book called Bear Hugs, and an Elmo tin of cookies. We love him lots!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Well Daddy is off to Chicago. I miss him already! We did however have lots of fun at the airport. We watched them from the ground level and we saw them fueling the plane and putting all the luggage in, so Hayden was in little boy heaven! He knows that daddy went on the little plane to Minneapolis and the big plane to Chicago. He was very cute at the airport asking so many questions. I love when the gears in his head go at full speed. I talked to Jason and he was all settled in to his hotel and all the flights went very well. It's going to be a long week!
A Fav picture of Daddy and Hayden!
Well as many of you know Nascar started its 2007-2008 season this weekend in Daytona. Papa Moe wanted us to put a very special picture of Hayden on his blog. When Hayden was 6 months old he had the chance to meet Jimmy Johnson the "champion" last year. What ever they call him! We were at GM world in Detroit and they were setting up for something and we went and asked what was going on and they told us that Jimmy was going to be there for pictures and autographs. So we were like 3rd in line to see him. When we got up there we asked him if he would hold Hayden for a picture after basically telling us no we put him up on the table and snapped away!
Here are also a few more pictures from Brainerd. Hayden has a lot of fun playing on the ice. He was playing hockey and broomball. He also went on a few sled rides. He really likes his sled and we have to bring it with us on vacation since we have NO snow! I actually didn't take that many pictures in Brainerd but the ones that i did turned out cool with the snow, ice, and sky.
Well the proud mommy that i am i have to share with you Hayden's newest accomplishment. He can say his ABC's but he skips letters. The letters he does say are in order though! I am going to try to get it on video but every time i try he just wants to play with the camera. Ahemmm Grandma Smith!!!! She is too nice to Hayden! But he takes pretty good pictures with her camera! SO his ABC's go like this "a, b, c, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, m, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, z" So we are getting there! But us Mommies are so proud!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hayden Swimming!
I am posting another video of Hayden! I hope it works! I haven't done it yet by myself so hopefully you'll be seeing it! We had LOTS of fun in Brainerd. Hayden decided he can swim! He was swimming all by himself. He is a fish he was just going and going. He was swimming underwater too! We went to the waterpark too! He was going down the medium slides alone! But this was a problem too! He seems to have NO fear of the water and just will go and jump in with or without us! He also was being a small stinker. But he only had an hour nap combined both days, so he was TIRED! But at the waterpark he got out of the hot tub and RAN away from me and it looked like he wanted to jump in the splash pool for the big slides. I was so mad and scared! He sat in timeout for a LONG time! He knew he was in trouble and never said boo to me about being in time out.
I'll post more pictures later and more about the trip! Have a great weekend!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Hello to everyone! We are off to Craguns's for the next few days! We have teacher in service days and the support staff have nothing! Yeah! Nothing worst to be then sitting through 2 days of meetings! But we are going with My mom, dad, Brandon, James, Michelle, Katie-kate, and Joe! Hayden is very exciting about this! Last night he kept saying off every one's name! Then on Sunday Jason is off to Chicago for work for a week! Yikes! But he was able to get the same days off miraculously!
This was taken the last time we were at Cragun's
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:02 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Blog Readers!
We have a little blog counter on the blog and the number keeps getting bigger and bigger everyday! We really would like you to leave a comment on the blog so we know who is reading! It is down at the bottom of each entry and we have made it so you can leave comments without registering with a Goggle account!We would also like to hear about you! And i hope to "someday" print this off for Hayden as a pseudo-baby book to go along with his others! Don't forget to take a look at the new online photo albums. I think you can leave comments on there too! This has been fun to write and I hope everyone is enjoying reading about Hayden and his wacky ways! Enjoy!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 5:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 3, 2007
We had lots of fun last night! We went to Carnival Thrillz in Canal Park. It was SOOOOO cold here and Hayden was being a bit of a pickle. We all had fun! They have a little kiddie land with a big blowup bouncy thing and slides and tunnels and a place to run wild! He very much needed it. Their was some little rammy munchkin that was doing naughty things, i was REALLY hoping he didn't teach my son bad things. He thankfully didn't and Hayden was a little afraid of him. We taught him how to play Skee Ball. This game is how Jason and I spent many nights when we were dating! We both love a little competition, and we are almost equal in skill. Hayden got a little frustrated and we let him stand on the ramp and put them in!
We watched the Superbowl at Smith's house. Yeah Colts! Hayden was more busy eating cheese dip. Well it was a good weekend, I even got in a nap today with Hayden!(One of my FAV things, and i miss from when i didn't work!) Have a great week everyone!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Yeah Hayden!
Yeah Hayden! He is doing SUPER good with the potty this week. He LOVES his new big boy pants. So if he goes on the potty he gets to wear them. He has even told us when he was to poopie! He's gone 3 times this week on the potty. So everyday except tuesday. We are really proud of him! Yeah Hayden!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Potty Training