Wow did that week fly by! We had lots of fun. Hayden was an AWESOME flier. HE did great the whole trip. He only had one bad day but was fine after a 3 hour nap. He thought it was great everything about it. He rode in a bus, monorail, tram, taxi, mini van, plane, and rental car. A little boys dream. He talks about the mini van the most oddly. I think its because he didn't ride in a car seat that ride.(I was not okay with this but apparently the way in vegas.)He napped everything and swam up a storm. We had a little waterslide and a pretty warm pool! He has learned how to swim very well. He lifts his little but up and kicks with his head in the water so he is level, its very cool he learned this on his own! It was hot and humid a few days, its the desert! Rae Ann and i were on the Today show on Tuesday. Very cool! We woke up at 3 am and went down to the venetian and saw Al and his crew. We were on TV so thats very cool. Oh my so much to tell! We went to the Grand Canyon. Hayden liked the "Big Rock". He was in ohh and ahh over it. Jason worked for 3 days but stopped and took me out at night. He actually came home with about the same amount he left with. He was on fire gambling! It was nice! HE won over $200 on one spin on a machine. Its a lot more fun to gamble when we win! We found a good cheap prime rib dinner in Downtown at Binions. We went there a couple times! WE ate a couple buffets too. It was fun to try new things. We saw the light show downtown too. Something i really wanted to see. Its pretty amazing. We really liked it downtown. We saw a cross dresser dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. He was big, hairy and ugly. And Skipped! OH may lots of fun. I will tell more later! Here are some pics for everyone to enjoy! Hayden is still going Poopie on the potty! Yeah!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Lots of fun in Vegas!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures, Potty Training, Summer, Swimming, vacation
Thursday, July 19, 2007
OH we love summer!
We've been uber busy! I am just loving this summer so far. We've been having way to much fun. All last week we got to play with Jessica! We went out there like 3 times and spent the day out there. Boy did we have fun. They are so cute. Jessica just has me! I can't help but think she is the cutest little girl ever! She sings these sweet little songs she makes up. She is such a girl and a little mommy! She wants to help everyone and make sure ever one is happy. She likes to push Hayden in the stroller, bike or whatever! She tries to put on his shoes, brings me his buffy or sippy. She is so loving to her dolls. So cute! She reminds me of me actually. I loved dolls when i was little and pretty much played with them until junior high! Hayden went skinny dipping in Lisa and Nicks river! He was just going to put is toes in but ended up staying in there until he was blue, and then still want to stay in. Hayden's foot is looking better. The skin actually broke and it looks like he had a blister that popped. Weird. On other stuff. Hayden has been going poopie in the potty. He just tells me and then goes. Very cool! As much as i like it i don't want to be running around Las Vegas trying to find a bathroom for him! I will try hard core to train him once we get back from vacation. I am going to let him run around naked for a week while we are at home. My grandma swears by this method. She calls it "One week and a hundred dollars."($100 bucks for carpet cleaning! We don't have carpet! Yeah!). We are all set for Vegas. I made final reservations for stuff. We decided to cut Vegas short and take a 2 day trip to the Grand Canyon. Jason gets to go too! We are actually staying at the same hotel i did with my family in 2003. That will be fun! I never realized how much planning vacations take! Rental cars, airline policies, stay n' fly , hotels! Blah! Actually i love it! Planning runs deep into my blood. But its still a lot of work! I am going to try to make a post on vacation! Wish us luck. Its actually suppose to be cooler there then when we went before, 3 degrees! Hayden is ready to go on the airplane. I keep reading horror stories about toddlers on planes. I hope he is good!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Potty Training, Summer, Swimming, vacation
Thursday, July 12, 2007
A Polkadot Kid!
Well Hayden was a lucky person this week. He is spotted! On Monday morning he woke up and got out of bed and told me his foot hurt. I looked down and he had a HUGE foot. His foot was swollen, red, hot, and splotchy. Called the doctor, waited. Mike came over, his eyes got very big when he say Hay's foot and told me i had to take him in. Doctors were baffled. They don't know what it is. We couldnt find a bite mark but who knows. WE got a prescription for Antibiotic and Benadryl. Then later that night his foot got worse and he started getting a rash all over his body. So i was going to take him to the ER but when i called they told me at least a 3 hour wait. Yuck. Called the doctor! Told me cut the antibiotic and watch it. THen we are thinking she was reading up on something called us back and told us to watch for streaks and a fever. So i was up every 1.5 hours checking on his rash. He never got a fever thank goodness! Ended up going back to the doctor in the morning and 2 doctors looked at it and still werent sure what it is. He still has the rash too! Fun! Oh well, it doesnt seem to be bothering him!
We had fun with JEssica yesterday at her camper and Wilderness Walk! I'll post more about that later with pics! Have a good Weekend!
Here's a pic of his foot, gross huh!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Now and Then!
We've been having fun with Miss Jessica! Here is just a couple pictures from last year and this weekend! Enjoy!
2006 2007
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Summer
Friday, July 6, 2007
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures, Summer, Swimming
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Happy 4th!
On the Mighty Mississippi! The Boat was the Mississippi Belle!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, golf, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Summer, Swimming, vacation