Friday, August 31, 2007
Squeezing out the Summer!
I love summer. But i don't hate the fact its basically over. I had a great day at work today. Its nice to have Jodie back! Her little girl, McKenzie looks like she is all grown up over the summer. She is just a little under a year younger than Hayden. She is beautiful! We still have one more quick trip to Cragun's and next weekend Hayden and I are going to Osceola with my parents and Renaissance festival. It will be a good way to wrap up the first work week!
We had lots of fun at the State Fair and Craguns! I can't remember if i blogged the fair?? Oops! But anyway! We met up with Lisa and Nick, Jessica too! They led us to the Dairy bar, yum yum! Real ice cream, malts, can't ask for better. And they introduced us to the "French Fry!" Really good ones! Hayden and Jessica of course got matching chicken tattoos! What trip to the fair would be without! We looked at some fish and walked around before parting with them. We hung out with my family and did all the stuff we HAVE to do at the fair! Milk, check..Cookies, check...rides, won a Curious George for Hadyen!) Christmas ornament, check .......Turkey leg, check. WE did lots! I think we were there from like 9 until almost 6! A long day. Hayden even took a nap for us. We were going to go to Ikea, but took a wrong turn and looped around the cities, stupid 94! But oh well! We could of turned about but decided home sounded pretty good!
We of course had lots of fun down in the cities. Our hotel had a waterpark, nice size for Hayden, swimming was done! Lots of yummy food. Holy Cow, i just thought of something, we never went to Porky's!! What is the Moe family coming to? Should i be ashamed? or confused? We went to my FAVORITE place, the Farmer's Market in Mpls. If you've never been, its wonderful. Tons of people, tons of food, good coffee, and lots of variety!
We went to a play on Sunday night at the Old Log Theater in Excelsior. Hayden wasn't able to go with us, so my mom's good friend Tania watched him for us. Her son Trace came with us to the show. My god did i feel old! Trace is 13! I think he is still like 9 and his brother to me should be like 4, he's 9! But after a minute of screaming and caring on hayden quickly had a blast! Those boys have some cool toys! Her house is AMAZING! I want her to come and decorate my house. She does the most bold, incredible things, i would never think of anything like this. Her walls are the perfect colors of yellows, and reds. Bright and bold! I was in awe. She has a smaller bathroom(like us!) and she needed cabinet space and found this awesome cabinet at Ikea and i asked her about it, because it was perfect, and she said it was a cd rack! She was giving me crafting tips that included, window glue! Yeah right! All i thought about was "They make window glue?!?!?" Thanks again, Tania! Hayden had lots of fun and talked about you guys! He made sure i remembered John too! Every time i'd ask him he say John too!
Oh yeah the play was funny too! It was about family vacations. I was laughing because i think the playwright was in the car with us when writing this! Its canny, how similar to our trips it was!
Cragun's was the same, just the way we like it! Swimming, campfires, horse pulled trolleys, and grilling. Can't ask for better than that!
We hit up Paul Bunyan land too! Lots of fun, Hayden LOVES the rides! No fear!
We made it to Little Falls! Cutest little town in the world. It was Gilmore Girlish. A great bakery we hit up, twice.
A side trip to Charles Lindbergh's boyhood home. Hayden has no idea he was there, he slept the WHOLE time!
Got to love the Brainerd Lakes Area! Ahhh Summer!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, Hayden and Jessica, Summer, Swimming, vacation
Friday, August 24, 2007
Potty Time!
Well I finally had a week to potty train. All is well so far. We've had a few little accidents but other than that its going good! We have a little sticker chart, 5 stickers = treat. Well 5 times isnt that many for him! Already this morning he has gone 3 times. He LOVES his "undies", like mommy and daddies, he says. He has spent the week bare butted around the house. I figure we'll work on home before public. But if he goes someplace other than home he gets 2 stickers. This weekend will be the test for sure!
We are heading to the Cities for a weekend of fun, and on Monday is our annual State Fair day. This year for the very first time Jason is coming. I have so much i want him to see! Poor guy, and then i want to go to IKEA! The rest of the week we'll be at Cragun's. I am coming home thursday afternoon/night, i work on Friday, all day! I can't even ease into it. Then we are heading up to Cragun's again on Sunday. Jason and his family are going golfing and i am showing off Cragun's. Its just for the night, but its always fun to close the summer off with Cragun's, its usually how we start it too!
On Thursday we went on the Vista for a Pizza and sightseeing tour. If you are planning any trips on the Vista its the way to do it! Its only 2 dollars more then the usually tour and you get lunch and an extra 1/2 on the boat! Hayden had fun going under "Our Bridge". Its always fun to do the Tourist thing in your own home town.
Well I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Here is a new thing Blogger installed, Videos! I just upload them like pictures! So i may put random videos in my blog for a while!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures, Potty Training, Summer, vacation
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Wow! I haven't blogged in a while! We've been so busy. Hopefully i'll hit it all. Here is just the list of things we have done since last time!
Stayed at Lisa and Nick's house. Played LOTS!
Went to a Chlorinated Swimming Pond. (Didn't get to stay long due to thunder, boo!)
Went to the Children's Museum in St Paul. Lots of fun! The kids went wild. Played lots and ran around!
Watched Jessica for a half day. She is SO cute! She let me fix her hair, which was harder than i thought it would be!
Went shopping at Tanger, Hayden and I. We ran into my cousin's wife and their baby Hudsen. Whom Hayden keeps talking about!
Brought Hayden to Monday night Golf League. He was SUPER good. We are bringing him again tomorrow. The kid loves to golf.
Storytime on Tuesday! Hayden was a rabbit and hopped around with cute little ears on. Nothing cuter than seeing 20 preschoolers and toddlers hopping around with bunny ears.
Wednesday was the Maurices summer picnic. Had both Grandmas of course! Jason, my mom and dad, Brandon and Rae Ann, (plus a few more people) were the tug of war champions. Dominating 3 teams!
Wednesday night Hayden ran! He ran the whole 1/4 mile, without tears and a huge smile on his face and determination, we were very proud of him!
We went to Hayward with my mom and dad. We saw the lumberjack show. Yo Ho! Swam, and swam! My little fishy. Saw some family friends. Candy, ice cream, and bake goods! And we hit up Wilderness Walk. They had Wallabies, don't remember these from before! Hayden now knows they hop and will demonstrate if requested!
We've been so busy and having so much fun. I got a blah letter in the mail today telling me i actually have to start working again a week from Friday! I love my job, but i love my baby more! It will be one tough first week!
I have started storing most of my pictures online. There is a link on the side to my albums. These photos that i make public are(should be!) there for your use and printing if wanted. If anyone ever tries to save one and print please let me know! I just want to know if it works! Remember too, COMMENTS are always appreciated i love to know who is reading the blog. If you just click the comment link on the bottom of each post you can leave a comment without a blogger name!
I hope everyone has a great week! Summer is coming a close!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: family fun, golf, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Shopping, Summer, Swimming, vacation
Friday, August 17, 2007
Fun with Hayden and Jessica!
Update coming! Pictures until then!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Summer, Swimming
Friday, August 10, 2007
Another Week!
I can't believe another week just flew past us. This is summer is going to fast. I love my time with Hayden. I don't want to go back in Sept. but i am! We've just figured out such a nice little schedule. Tuesdays we do Storytime at Barnes and Noble in Duluth, we have lots of fun. They always do cute activities with their stories. I am going to try to rearrange my work schedule of Tuesdays so i can take him still.
On Tuesday we went fishing! Just a Lake Minnesuing. They have a little dock and Hayden and Jason fished off that. Hayden caught a like 6 six(or longer??) sunny??, Jason said it was pretty big, sure! Jason caught what looked like bait, we laughed at that. Hayden liked to reel them all in and he would throw them back, until he dropped one and it flopped on his foot, then daddy had to throw them back. I even bait Hayden's hook, anyone who knows me, knows that is the last thing i would do, but i did it! Jason can still do it from now on though.
On Wednesday we got a call asking if we wanted to go on a train trip with Grandma Sandmon, Jessica, and Jason's Mom. Hayden and Jessica were fun and they had a great time. It is always a fun ride on the Northshore railroad. Jessica was too cute! Like always. She was laying on a site kind of thrashing around, and she looked at me and said "I a wiggle worm!" I started laughing so she kept saying it. Thats exactly what she was doing too! Thanks again Grandma!
Hayden raced on Wednesday! He ran in the Wednesday Night at the Races. This was our second attempt, last week, he just cried because he was scaried. This week, the started, stopped, cried, i carried him, and then ran like half way, he wanted a treat. So he did and did great, we didn't even come in last!
This weekend we are going to stay with Lisa and Nick! Just Hayden and I. We are very excited! I am going to be there until Monday night. We are going to have lots of fun! Poor Jason has to work all weekend, but he is taking a week of vacation starting on Wednesday. We have nothing planned but golf and relaxing, oh and I want to wall paper the bathroom, with stuff that looks and feels like beadboard, its cool, i am in love! But i am sure we will be doing a lot more stuff!
I have been on a reading frenzy lately. I can't get enough. I am completely wrapped up into Janet Evanovich. When i worked at the SPL so many people told me to read these and i never did, i didn't think they were my thing, boy was i wrong. I first read her "Full" Series, which are more Romantic, Comedy, Mysteries. Great combo! I actually laugh out loud. Now i have moved onto the Stephanie Plum Series. She so far was written One-Thirteen. I have read 1,2,7,11,12. I love them. I don't know what i am going to do once i finish. I have also read a few other romantic mysteries that i bought on our trip, in the airport, i NEEDED them! Poor Jason just shakes his head at me. I have been reading one in a day or two! I bought one on Tuesday and finished it on Wednesday night. But if anyone wants something to read i HIGHLY recommend these. If you want one i have a few!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I of course have pictures!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Summer
Thursday, August 2, 2007
August Already!
We've been having fun since we've been back from Vegas. Hayden got a nice sandbox on Sunday and has been playing in that at least twice a day. Which is nice, Mommy gets to sit in the sun and read. We made a trip to Wisconsin Point on Wednesday the weather was HOT. But it was windy, so no fliess! But the water was icy cold! The wind was pulling the warm water out and pushing the cold water in, and it was COLD! Jason said it reminded him of crossing the river in October! Hayden was looking very cute, and didnt care the water was like -10. His Nana bought him a cute new swim outfit and we put his new life jacket on him, we thought he looked like he was ready to go water skiing. So cute!
Uncle Ken passed away on Sunday. So they have been busy trying to get things sorted out for his funeral on Saturday. We are having the luncheon in St Anthony's church basement. So at least i feel like i helped a little bit. Make sure you say a prayer for the family.
I feel so bad for the families and friends on the people involved with the collapse on the 35w bridge. What a miracle so many people got out alive and relatively uninjured. The bridge looks like such a twisted mess. You think about how many times you've driven over that bridge. Things like this never seem to hit this close to home. I hope the number of dead doesn't rise too much. It was odd and great to see the number actually went down. Please pray for those families also. My little water boy!
A Little lunch!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:14 AM 1 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures, Summer, Swimming