Look at my rock star! We had fun yesterday at our church's Halloween party. His Mr. Incredible costume broke yesterday morning and we had to come up with a quick costume for him i think it works! Last night we were laying in bed together all three of us and Hayden asked me if i had a baby in my belly. I asked him why he thought that. He said he just thought he should be gentle with my belly. Then he asked the dreaded question, how to babies get into bellies. I answered Very Carefully! Phew that was close! But guess what my son has a sixth sense of some sort:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:44 AM 5 comments
Labels: holiday, Mommy Post
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Football went great again on Saturday. Hayden played the whole hour and did well. You can really tell he is catching on and does what he is suppose to be doing(well most of the time). He played just about every postition too. He hiked the ball, was the Quarterback, Runningback and did lots of blocking. He was the safety with another little boy on one play and the two of them just stood in the exact same spot the whole play it was pretty funny. He has one more game on Tuesday night and then we are done. I probably won't put him in any more sports until at least spring, he really is younger than a lot of the kids. Soccer is in the spring and Tball in the summer so that will be a great way to start it off again. I have a few videos and pictures of football i am going to try to put on here. The pictures are under Sept/Oct Fun in my Picasa account or towards your left on top.
This last week has been pretty quiet. But thats okay with us. Today is Tzone hunting for Jason and we did lots of yard work to get ready for winter. Our shed is in great shape! Thats a first for us. Saturday was beautiful and we went on bike ride and to the park. Next weekend we have a Halloween party or two, and maybe a trip to Madeline Island. Ohhh it was Sample Sale Days at Maurices and i scored a bunch of new clothes for the winter from my mom, Thanks Mom!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 12:28 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Football update!
So Tuesday nights game went well. Hayden played, he had some good blocking going on! Then when the other team got the ball his Asst. Coach told him he had to get the flag from the guy who had the ball, so what did he do. He went until he got that flag, he ripped that flag off with confidence and pride. Good Job Hayden!
Too bad the kid had already got the touchdown.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: sports
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Newly Edited Photos. Make sure you look at all of them!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
What a fun fall weekend! We had pretty nice weather this weekend and we took full advantage of it! But first of all.....
Happy Birthday to Papa Moe who turned the big 5-0 this last week. Hayden helped blow out candles and open presents at his little party at Barker's Island. It was fun and i got a piece(and half) of Exchange cake, but they totally changed they frosting the B****es! It was still good though. (I think i took more pictures of the cake than anything else)
So Saturday we started off with Football, but that didn't happen. Hayden decided when we got there that he wasn't playing. So after some tears and threatening(It didn't work, i told him i'd take him Gatorade away) we just left before his teammates saw him. But we had a fun together anyways going to Wisconsin Point for some fall pictures. I now have all 4 season this year out there. Then we went on a bike ride. Hayden has been riding his big boy bike that he got for Christmas this week. Jason and he rode all the way to the High School to visit me on Wednesday thats over 2 miles!(They drove back though!) We enjoyed all the fall colors and smells. I love fall! I have been battling a cold all week and being outside helped my stuffy nose so it felt really good to be outside.
Sunday we went to Mommsen's Farm in Rice Lake. Its a big Pumpkin Patch, petting zoo, corn maze, bakery all rolled into one. I bought apples too! Hayden had a blast on the Hayride and the petting zoo which has stuff for the kids to play on and animals. He touched a Llama, rabbit and a goat. Which if you know Hayden is a pretty big step! He loved the hay you could climb in/on/over/under. And the big boat. We have gone here once before when Hayden was 1 1/2. So he didn't remember it. We picked out a big ol'pumpkin and a few little ones. We had a great day and the temp. got up to 77 degrees! It was about 66-73 while we were there. It was wonderful. We went shopping a little bit in Rice Lake and had dinner at Norske Nook, pie too of course! It was a lot of fun. I of course have pictures! They are not edited yet, but soon will be and located in a new folder i'll post! So come back and look at those.
Enjoy your fall we sure are!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: fall, family fun, pictures
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pictures that I needed to put up! Including this weekends festivities!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: pictures
Wow this is my 200th post!
So yes i am a slacker. No I don't care! Our lives are slowing down and only are really exciting on the weekends! And by Sunday night i am too tired to write about all the excitement so we'll write on Sunday morning instead.
Since Jason has returned our lives are getting back into the School Year routine. Mondays are with Papa Smith, Tuesday have been with Papa Moe, and the rest of the days are split between Daddy and Angie. Hayden has adjusted very well this year with no tear shed still.
Last weekend my mom and dad brought Hayden and I down to the Cities for a little getaway. On Friday Brandon and My dad went to the Twins game(They lost) and my mom, Hayden and I went Shopping and had dinner. I bought Hayden a cute hat that i am sure we'll be seeing all sorts of pictures this fall. On Saturday we hit up the Farmers Market at Mill City Museum, Mill City, The MN Zoo(Which Hayden loved. He has never really been into zoos when we've gone before but this one has so much stuff and stuff to do he was happy, he really liked the Otters and the Bears.) We also went to Gibbs Historic Farm, which was neat we we're like the only people there. We had a very busy day as you can see. That Saturday was Smithsonian Museum day which we got into the Zoo and Gibbs for free thanks to Smithsonian. We'll be going back to the zoo. Sunday we all went to the Twins last home game of the season. They won and that was exciting. We were in the "Cheap Seats" but had a good spot due to the fact we got there incredibly early. Hayden actually slept though the first 3 or 4 innings, only my son. But then enjoyed it and his foam finger. We had a fun and very packed weekend down there i don't think we could of fit anything else in there!
Okay so this weekend we celebrated my Grandma and Grandpa Routh's 60th wedding anniversary. With a big party, lots of people and lots of food. I helped out on Friday night and the Church basement never looked so nice. All fall colors, it was very nice.
Also on Saturday Hayden had his first Football "game" he was a hoot. Watching 3,4 and 5 year olds play is great. They just do. Hayden was the running back and got tackled(yeah its flag football) one little boy just kept running around the field because he didn't know where to go. It was so funny. His next game is on Tuesday, should be interesting!
Today we are going on a Steam Engine to Two Harbors, its basically an all day affair. We'll see how that goes. I am excited to get good pictures of the fall leaves because i have been a major picture taking slacker! But to enjoy the day and the new pictures should be up tonight!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: fall, family fun, vacation