Sunday, December 26, 2010
Can you believe it? We sure can't!
How you've grown into such a great boy this year. You are so kind, funny and great. You can make us smile, you are a great big brother and the highlight of every body's day.
You started Kindergarten this year and show us daily how smart you are and how you love to learn.
You learned to tie your shoes in September.
You love sports and played soccer, tball and basketball this year on teams. You golfed often with Daddy....going to Nemadji lots!
You read every night before bed with your favorite book being Llama, Llama Mad at Mama.
You love to play Wii and received many new games for Christmas. Lately you like to color and draw us pictures. But any chance to play outside you take it!
You still sleep with your fringes and lots of animals have taken over your bed.
You like always love the water being the shower, bath or Smith's Hot Tub.
You kind of are a poky little puppy!
You were size 13 shoes, S/M Shirts and size 6 pants.
You are very polite and have great manners!
You are good friends with Jack and Jed at school, talking about them often Jolene too!
You are still quiet and shy at times, other times we can't get you to stop talking!
You truly amaze us each and every day!
Happy Birthday Hayden!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Smith Family Photo! Here we are on a hunt for a christmas tree. We had lots of fun exploring Smith and Papa's woods. The whole clan was there, Michael and Laura, Smith , Papa and us. It was actually pretty warm out too! The boys had the Royal Treatment getting pulled around in sleds and sipping on juice boxes. We actually found a tree, that was about 4 feet too tall for our house, but with a little trim its all set and decorate in the living room! It even had a huge, nasty cocoon living in it. I found it when I was home alone with the boys and pretty much freaked out. It was the color and size on a chipmunk. Mike opened it up and found a HUGE dead, black Caterpillar. Still gives me the creeps!
The Winter Weather as set in! We don't mind though....and the baby loves his mittens! We still are working on getting ready faster with Hayden, snowpants, boots, mittens take a Looooong time for our resident slow poke.
I got a new computer! Yeah! I am finally learning where everything is on Windows 7!
We are very excited for Christmas and Birthdays!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

18 Months!
27 pounds 10 oz
33 inches
Size 4 diaper
Size 24 Month Clothes
Size 5-6 Shoe
Whole cow has your language exploaded in the last month! You know how to say: Choo-choo, Mama, Daddy, HayHay, Papa, Nana, Hot, Eye, No no no, ear, love you, sit down, up, whats this, where is, all down, cheese, apple, elmo, baby and grandma! You speak Chinese with Russian too. You say all these words regularly and know their meanings.
At Dr. Maria's yesterday you answered all of her questions with uh-huh. It was very cute to see you sitting in the chair in just a diaper answering the doctors questions.
You love to play with blocks, trains and balls still. You have been carrying around up to 4 big bouncy balls about the size of you fist, not sure why though!
You love to wash your hands and brush your teeth like a big boy. You use our IKEA stool and can reach the sink in the bathroom.
You love apple juice and will only drink milk with a little(very small amount!)chocolate added you simply don't like the taste of milk.
Applesauce and yogurt are favorite foods at the moment.
You love going on wagon rides, we bundle up and walk.
You are so much fun! We love you Carson!
We won't talk about the wonderful tantrums you throw!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Posted by Haydensmommy at 6:26 AM 1 comments
This is me trying to play catch up!
**Carson is talking, talking! List of words to come!
**Jason got a 8 pointer with his bow on Saturday the 30th. He was very excited and even caught the whole event on video.
**The boys had a blast with Halloween! Trick or Treating was so much fun with both boys going up to the doors. Carson even saying Thank You to people! Hayden has SO much candy its crazy. I don't know what he is going to do with it all! The night was a perfect fall night too. Brisk but not freezing.
**Jason has been on vacation all week and it was so nice to have him home. We had no school Thursday or Friday, so courtesy of my mom and dad we went to the cities and stayed at the Residences Inn in Downtown Minneapolis at the Depot. They have a smaller waterpark that we had all to ourselves! We had Brandon with us and had a fun time going to Ikea, A Baker's Wife, Wild Rumpus, Toys R Us, and a walk over the Stone Arch Bridge Friday morning. The hotel served dinner and breakfast too! Thanks Nana and Papa!
**Hayden had conferences at school a couple weeks ago and his teacher raved about him and his kindness. She said he is a good friend and always has a smile on his face! That's our boy! Oh yeah he is smart too! But we knew that! =) His teacher had to point out to us that he knew all his shapes(of course) but when she asked him what shape an oval was it repeatedly told her it was called an Ovalgon.
**On Saturday we went to Madeline Island with my mom and dad in my mom's brand new Honda Pilot. We had lots of fun and enjoyed the outdoors!
**My photography hobby is going very, very well! I love it and have been thinking about submitting paperwork to have a tax id and stuff! So if you want your pictures please, please let me know! I'd love to do them!
Pictures in upcoming posts!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I can it be in only a month you will by 1 1/2? You still seem like our baby! You love to snuggle and be held close. You don't talk in sentences and still look like a baby to us! You however it seems have grown lots in this last month. You are getting taller and more independent. You are trying to say lots of words now too. You have fully enjoyed the great fall we've been having with lots of crazy trips to the park and playing outside. We've been on train rides, hikes, the Apple Festival, in Caves, to Waterfalls and this was just in the last month! You love Ttchoos(trains) and very much enjoyed our relaxing train ride. You love all the apples we've been blessed with too! A new favorite past time is "helping" Mommy bake. It seems that you are the official taste taster of everything not containing raw eggs! You still love all fruit and Mom has found your fingers in the butter many times lately! Juice boxes and Chocolate milk are greatly loved too! You've been using Mama and HayHay more and more all the time! You still are signing a bunch too! Keep up all your greatest Carson, we love you!!! Clothes mostly 18 months, shoes 6, diapers size 4!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 19, 2010
State Fair Fun! We went to the fair on Labor day this week....we've never done that! I had to work on our normal day, but we still had lots of fun! It definitely felt like fall though. Carson loved it too. Both boys were a little on the crabby side, but its okay!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Hayden is loving school and hasn't complained once about going. He looks forward to playing with his friend Emma on the playground every day(Emma was on our soccer and TBall team this year) They are buddies! He has a couple friends in class that he talks about regularly. He also tells me about what the "naughty" kid does, and that he'd never do that. He really likes his teacher and loves going to gym, music and art. We have a rule that he must tell me 3 things everyday that he does at school. He is trying to learn to tie his shoes because they are going to have a competition to see who can do it the fastest and wants to win!
The other day I got home from work and was talking to him about school and everything was great....then like an hour later he says "Oh I forgot to tell you, I was playing football and tripped and hit my head on the fire hydrant" I look at his hair covered forehead and see a big black and blue goose egg and swollen bridge of his nose. I asked him if he got ice for it and he said no, he didn't want to tell anyone. I felt so bad for him, he was scared to tell someone he got hurt. So the next day I kindly asked the teacher to give a little lesson on telling people when something happens.....the only person he told was Emma.
We decided to not do any fall sports this year. The poor kid is so exhausted when he gets home everyday, I don't know how we'd put football in the schedule 2 times a week. He goes to bed at 8:15 and wakes up at 7 every morning, he needs all the sleep he can get!
My Mom saw his teacher at East End days and she said that Hayden is quite the perfectionist and wants to do everything exactly right....not sure who he gets that from!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:10 AM 0 comments