Well apparently Hayden found a new use for his Train Table drawers, a chair! The little goof ball decided to sit and play! He was really tired! But never TOO tired to play Choo Choo Train. He loves his train table, and boy are we glad. Tonight we drove past Barnes and Noble and of course he still wanted to go and play with their Train table, its Thomas! I found a super smokin' deal on some Thomas trains the day after Christmas at Toys r us. I ended up paying almost nothing for them! I was excited because he didn't have any Thomas, oh no! But he will get them at his party next weekend. Here is a pic of one of them, its a special birthday Thomas, its way cute! You can put these little stickers on it to spell his name.
Tonight was very exciting for Jason and I we bought new furniture, yeah! Our coach is gross, way gross. Anyone who has seen it knows it. But if anyone wants it, its yours! We wanted something that we wouldn't feel bad replacing in a few years. I have very high standards for stuff!! hehe! And i know exactly what i wanted. Not Leather, Not Microfiber, Not reclining or vibrating or massaging! I wanted a neutral color, but not too blah. I like comfy, not firm(MOM!!) Jason really wanted a chair and half.(Didn't really want the Ottoman??) and we found it! We've looked at least a hundred times for something we could agree on, its impossible, but tonight we did it!!! Go us! We got a pretty good deal too! It comes with some okay tables, i don't love them but whatever! I am so excited. They will be here for the party, actually we get them on Saturday. If Grandpa Mike will let us use his truck =)! Please!!! Here's a picture of the sofa and part of the chair! Tables too i think.

Well not much was said at Hayden's Two year appointment. He's healthy, growing boy. He is however borderline heavy. But the Dr wasn't too concerned because he has a monster of a head. Dr said the majority of his weight is in his noggin! He's a smart boy, he needs the head space. Also my son has HUGE tonsils. Dr Billman told us this before, but just wanted to confirm it, maybe an issue later down the road. And Doc said he may be no fun at sleepovers, cuz of his snoring. Breath right strips! He got his flu shot and they drew blood. Which went easy as pie, he didn't even blink when they were drawing his blood, he just watched and went "Oh Red". But all is well, he's a smart cute two year old. He even showed the nurse a great two year old tantrum. Well everyone have a great weekend! Have lots of fun.
The Smiths!!!
for the record... I LIKE my firm couch! The thing is over 15 years old and is as firm as the day we bought it, thank goodness!!!
I took Hayden to Brandon's basketball game today. He was SUCH a good boy. We got popcorn and cheered for uncle budda!!
xxoo, nana
Okay Mom. Nice try. That couch-is like a rock, how she falls asleep on it every night is TOTALLY beyond me. Plus the only reason that it's firm still is because you got it re-stuffed! Good try though. haha Anyways I thoght that Hayden's "Oh. Red." Comment was the funniest thing on the face of the earth and shared it with everyone at school today. Love you Hay-Hay :)
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