We had an amazing weekend. It was so beautiful, and down right hot! We wore shorts! Here are a few pics! I had lots of fun taking pictures!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
What a weekend!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 27, 2007
We Love Spring!
We've had lots of fun this week! Daddy and Hayden got to go golfing at PGC, lets just say the car seat, golf cart, and a tie down were involved all while Hayden slept! Lots of outside time! We've had fun! The week went by super fast for us! Here are just a few pics! Have a great weekend! After eating an Orange Sherbet cone, he was all orange!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
Rocks, Ice Cream, and Fishing! Everything little boys love!
Well as i write this i have to say i am a little mad at the weather! It rained a good portion of the weekend and here on monday morning its warm and sunny! My mom and dad took Hayden on saturday afternoon to find warmer weather. I didn't take much, before they got to Danbury it was 70ish. Hayden got to throw rocks in the water, a new favorite past time! When we got home and i asked him what he had for dinner he told me Ice cream cone, ahhh grandparents! I did learn he really had a hot dog and ice cream later! He had so much fun though, he loves warm! His "thing" this weekend was every time we saw water he'd tell us he wanted to go fishing. He has never been fishing, but we found out that Grandpa Smith, has brainwashed him a little, and did a good job with it! But we'll have lots of fun this summer, i actually like to fish too! We both agree that fishing in a boat isn't really a go for the summer, he is still too little. We think that if we do we'll go to Sand Lake in Barnes, our favorite! We did get a little walk in Sunday morning to my mom and dad's. Hayden rode is awesome bike all the way there. He did great! But i suppose i can try to get a walk in right now if i motivate myself enough! Have a great week!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Spring
Friday, April 20, 2007
I have been a bad blogger again. But not much has happened! I have been sick with a couple ear/sinus infections and am pretty much miserable. So we havent been up to much. The most exciting thing was that we bought a new washer and dryer. It is something we SO desperately needed! But we don't get them until the 30th. Tomorrow is my very best friend's birthday, Happy birthday Sarah! I think we are going bowling if we can find a babysitter. Hayden has been good, we've a few terrible two incidents but for the most part he is great! He is LOVING spring. Daddy has been very good and getting him outside and i've taken him on a few walks. Which aren't as great as last summer because he doesn't like to sit in his stroller. I walk to socialize w/Sarah so we walk fast and not really possible for Hayden to walk. We have not taken him to the park yet. I am just waiting for a little while, because once he knows its up there, we'll be there ALL the time! I love this spring! Maybe its just because i haven't been able to smell since Easter but it doesn't smell springy. Which to me smells gross and like mud. Jason got to go golfing for the first time yesterday, that made him very happy! He went with a bunch of guys from work, i think this summer they will be having a few meetings on the golf course! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Here are a few more of Hayden's pics from last week!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:35 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
New Pics!
Ohhhh we had fun tonight! I went and got his pictures taken at Sears, and boy was he a HAM! The last few times if you remember he was not good, at all, getting one or two pictures and crying. This time he was posing for the lady, who was the same lady i've unsuccessful dealt with in the past. We brought his new golf club and he wore his cute little golf shorts i bought in Milwaukee. He was SUPER cute! They should be ready to view online tomorrow and i'll try to post a link to them. I went in there telling myself just to buy one picture package(9.99), well i didn't! I just had to buy a few! He was super cute.
He went to Angie's today, and he had a really good time. He just continued all night to talk about everyone there. I hate leaving him there because he seems so upset, when i know he just does it all for show. He cries the second i shut the door. I have been listening. It really breaks my heart to leave him for the day when he is crying and carrying on. And that's why i don't send him to day care! Thank god for Angie! Maybe, maybe i'll look into preschools for next year for a day or two a week. I am thinking that when he's 3??
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy Birthday to Lola(Laura!). Who Hayden has talked about at least 8 times a day, she painted his big toenail green on Monday, and repeatedly reminds me!
I'll post pics tomorrow!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter Weekend!
We had a great Easter weekend. We were so busy, but it was lot of fun. On Friday Nick and Jessica came over to play for a few hours. Jessica is SO cute! She just played and played. Hayden and her golfed for a while in the living room, Hayden showing her his mad skills!!! But she liked our Playhut Bus the best. She had a lot of fun climbing in and out and peeking through the windows, i do believe she got her daddy in there once or twice too! Hayden was kinda crabby on friday with her, and he knew it. At like 1:15 he grabbed his fringes and buf (yup its back) and climbed into bed and then proceeded to sleep until 4:30. If only he did that everyday!
On Saturday, we slept in! Hayden too. That was great, we don't all get to it that together anymore. And if you know Jason, you know he likes to sleep! Then we woke up, got ready and went to Grandma Sandmon's house for a Easter party! We left a little early, and took a ride so Hayden would fall asleep. Everyone was at Grandma Sandmon's except Michael and Laura. But that's pretty good to get everyone else. We had SUPER yummy food. Grandma made it all her self. I think she is too stubborn to let anyone else do it! But i don't think it would be the same without her touch! I love her coleslaw because it tastes just like Grandma Routh's and thats my favorite! She also made her famous, to die for hot fudge. I have NEVER had better than hers. Its fantastic! And i would get a lot of back up on that statement. Hayden and Jess played well for the most part, they had a few moments. They blew bubbles for a long time and just played. They had a few "Coffee" parties(Odie says Tea isnt manly so Hayden was drinking coffee),played cars, and jumped on the bed! They are super cute. Also Lisa's friend and her daughter came to play, she is 3 and uber cute! We had an easter egg hunt too. It was a fun packed day!
Easter was just as fun! We woke up and Hayden was cute looking for his Easter basket. Next year i need to leave that silly bunny a note saying DON'T PUT MOMMY AND DADDY'S CLOSER! Ours was like very visible when you walked in the room and he had to look for his a little. But he found it and kept saying "Ohhh, Thank You". We went to Church and he was super good, he loves the music. He was singing and trying to find the right pitch or note in his voice, and he corrected himself, i was impressed by that. I need to buy a church hymn cd! We went to my mom's and dad's house where he had a easter surprise of some cool books, and a "rabbit" cookie. We went out to lunch with the Moe family and then later back to Mum Moe's for yummy desserts! We then went to Jason's parents, where the Easter bunny came for Hayden too! He got some wiffle golf balls and was golfing with caper, the cat, who makes a pretty good retriever! After we left we needed a few groceries but the stores were closed so we ended up at WalMart. To which Hayden said "walmart gross." I am antiwalmart and Hayden knows it! But we were walking around and found a clearance golf club for him, which we were really excited! His first real club.
Well have a great week! Wish on spring this week!
Make sure and look at the new album on the left side of the blog, it was a lot of pics from this weekend.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Easter, golf, Hayden and Jessica, Spring
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Ahhhh the Weekend!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! We did. We had lots of fun on Jason's birthday. We went out to dinner with Mike, Rae Ann, Michael and Laura. We went to Timberlodge and it was very yummy!!! Hayden was SUPER good there too! After that they all took Hayden home with them so we could go out with our friends. We had a blast!!! It was so nice to see them.
On Saturday Hayden had 4+ hour nap! He slept the day away. But i should have known something was up because today he is not feeling well. He has had a moderately high fever. He goes away 45 minutes after we give him his "Alli-juice" (click to see a picture!). It's an alligator shaped medicine dispenser, and some where along got named "Alli-juice". So he happily takes his medicine if we call it that! But hopefully he'll be all better tomorrow! He really has no other symptoms other than the fever and being super sleepy!
My cousin is trying to adopt a baby and asked us to find some family photos. I stumbled on this nice picture of "Mum Moe" and Hayden! This was taken on her 85th Birthday! I hope everyone is ready for Easter! Here are just a few pics from Hayden's previous Easters!