Boy has May blown by us! Its almost June already! This past week we were so busy, again! It was pretty yucky all week, again! The only nice day was Friday. Sunday and Monday eventually got nice, but it took a while and a drive out of town! Grandpa Smith was in the hospital all week long, and is doing well now. So we tried to go up there as much as we could. We got a golf game in on Sunday it was very nice! Hayden is a wild man out there. He got to "drive" Grandpa and Smiths golf cart and loved that just as much as golf. On Saturday we got a special treat, Jessica came to visit us. Hayden was also sick on Friday. I stayed home with him, but he is finally feeling better today. Anyways on Saturday he was pretty crabby with Jess for a while but they opened up and ate pizza and ran around like crazy little monkeys! It was very nice. I am not sure if we even have plans this week! On Friday i am going out with work people, golfing! Yikes. I am NOT a good golfer, but i need to socialize! Now that Sarah has left me for Arizona, i really need to get out there and have fun with other people! Have a great week! Hope for good weather!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Lot of Fun!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, golf, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Sick, Spring
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Papa's Big Boat
We've had a busy week! I had Sarah's shower this week and that kept me hopping! It went very well, yeah! It was very nice to have Wednesday off from work! On Friday night we went on a little ride around the harbor in the Smith's boat. It was fun! It was so warm, even at 8:30! Hayden liked it, he had his lifejacket suit on and looked like the incredible Hulk! I had put his clothes on over it. It was pretty cute! I of course have pictures! Today its yucky out! We went to the Old Firehouse Museum right here in East End and Hayden played on some fire trucks, which of course he loved! I stupidly left my memory card in the computer so we don't have any good pictures, we took a couple on our phones. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Hunting Meatballs
We've had a pretty busy weekend! Daddy was off Turkey Hunting, but if you ask Hayden he will tell you Daddy was Meatball hunting. Super Cute! I don't know where he got this, but its stuck! And of course we all think its funny and laugh so he keeps doing it! Happy Belated Mothers Day to all the Mommies and Grandmas out there. I had a very nice day, minus the car dying, but we got it fixed! My boys got me a hydrangea bush, it was the flower we had for our wedding. We spent the afternoon in Canal Park, our new favorite hang out! I got yummy coffee from Caribou and the boys had ice cream. I of course got a few pictures from down there. This week has been beautiful! It was even Hot! Anyone who knows me knows how much i hate the heat, but love it at the same time. The library at school gets so incredible hot, it was almost unbearable being there. But i wont complain too much! Prom was this weekend, Hayden and I went to Grand March(My mom too!) It was nice to see my students are dressed up looking beautiful! I had the owner of Sarabella's Dress shop in Superior sitting next to be analyzing all the dresses, it was SUPER funny. I mostly agreed with her too! Except my favorite dress she hated, and one a student bought at her store i HATED! We also went to the Ryan Hoff memorial Basketball game at SHS on Wednesday, Hayden had a blast. It was Students against Teachers. The teachers did pretty good but still lost, like 56 to 64 something like that. It was good to see so many coworkers outside of school. I have to start doing more of that! Teachers are very social people. Well i am going to be busy with Sarah's Shower most of the week! Only 2 weeks until she leaves for Arizona. Its sad, but so great at the same time. I hope everyone has a great week!
My New Fav Picture! Peek-A-Boo!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures, Spring
Monday, May 7, 2007
Fun with Jessica!
We had a great weekend. We had lots of fun. On friday night we celebrated Grandma Blakey birthday at Rapids. Hayden and Jessica had lots of fun together, they have a play room out there and that kept them VERY busy! We were lucky enough to see Jason's cousins, Devin and Trevor, who were out with their other Grandma, they have gotten so big! Hayden and Jess were so cute! They were talking together, which i find super cute, to hear little people conversations.
On Saturday we did a little quick shopping for Grandpa Smith's birthday and then went out to Grandma Sandmon's house. Boy did Hayden love it out there! Hayden and Jess played SUPER together, we had very few incidents. Grandpa Sandmon has a little mini 3 hole golf course out in the yard, and Hayden was loving that. He golfed for a long time with Jessica. He is getting good! I am impressed with some of his swings, he has potential to beat his dad! Which is not Daddy anymore its Jason. Jason, Jason, Jason. Hayden thinks its pretty funny! After a yummy dinner at the Sandmon's they we went down below and saw the rest of the property. Jason and i have been together for 5 years (Tomorrow!) but in those years i have never been down there. It was beautiful. There is natural springs poking up into a pond and the Brule River is right there. It was awesome. There also is a swing set down there, Hayden and Jess were in 2 year old heaven! We were down there for over an hour! I of course took a ton of pictures. We had so much fun! Hayden was very sad when we couldn't see them on Sunday.
Cool Slideshows |
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: family fun, golf, Hayden and Jessica, pictures, Spring
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I wanna throw rocks in the waaader
As the title shows Hayden wanted to throw rocks in the water last night, since it was SUPER nice again! So we went down to Canal Park and had dinner down there. It was lots of fun! Hayden with his trusty bucket and shovel in hand filled up his bucket and then we went to the lift bridge and to throw rocks and then a boat was going out so we watched that! Hayden thought the world of it! It liked the bridge going down the best though. Even this morning he was talking about it!
I have been on a HUGE picture taken spree i just keep getting good light for all these outside pictures, yeah! But here are a few from yesterday. Enjoy!
Watching the "Birds" In Awe of the BIG BOAT
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, pictures, Spring