This morning Hayden woke up about 6:45 with "Sparkles" in his hand. I am thinking his hand fell asleep and was tingling. But i thought i'd share that with everyone because i found it very cute early this morning! So i brought him into bed with me where i had a sneezing attack and in his sleep he told me "Bless You" each time i sneezed! What a cutie!
Our almost 3 year old has quite an attitude lately. I think and hope it's because he isn't feeling up to par. He is super stuffy still and felt warm to Mommy last night. But it will pass like everything else does! That is by the way my motto for parenting! Those were my 2nd wisest words to Sarah about her future parenting. (The 1st was to tell your kids you love them tons and tons when they are little because it wouldnt be that easy when they get older.)
My silly son also has been spending a lot of time talking on his wrist. Hmmm. But he is talking to Diego on his watch. I also have been called Dora a lot this week. His little imagination is working so hard i LOVE it. To me even before reading i think imaginations are so important! Baby Jaguar has also been at our house hiding so we have to go find him. Where mommy thinks he is and where Hayden thinks he is, isnt always the same. Oops! Silly Mommy!
Its weird how little boys and girls for this matter are so different from one another. Hayden isnt into cars and trucks. But he LOVES Sports and Diego right now. He likes trains, which is the only toy he really plays with these days. At Angie's house all Jacob does is play trains, he lives, breathes and talks about Trains 24/7. Ben LOVES dinosaurs. I wonder if any of this carries through into grade school and so on. My brother played with Cars and legos until recently. Hayden doesn't seem interested in cars, i find this weird but also a good thing. He knows what he likes and has decided for himself. Being an individual is all it is, probably at its earliest form.
Not sure whats going on this weekend hopefully Christmas Tree. Thats all i have been wanting to do since Tuesday. We got a new, free! Entertainment center so i had to rearrange the living room(again!) and we are moving the old one in the basement but while we did that we felt a draft and went to Menards and the whole "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" thing. The Old one is still in the living room, where my tree is going to go, so hopefully.....
Have A Great Weekend! Yeah it's Friday!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: growing up
Monday, November 26, 2007
Wow what a busy weekend. We had a very nice Thanksgiving. Busy, but good! We headed to the Cities on Friday morning. We had lunch at Psycho Suzi's Motorlounge. It was very cool and great food! I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants something out of the ordinary. The pizza was yummy! The Black Bean Chili was AMAZING! We headed to the hotel and hung out a while. We went to Maverick's in Roseville for dinner. Its kind of like Arby's but much better and not a crappy chain. Fresh roast beef and homemade soups! We attempted to go look at Christmas Lights but we only slightly succeeded. Emily and Brittany joined us after that at our Hotel. We went swimming too!
On Saturday we headed to the Science Museum. My mom and dad went else where and the 5 of us kids went and saw an Imax film about Greece and looked at the neat exhibits. We then walked the couple blocks and met my mom and dad at Cossettas for some pizza. Hayden then crashed fast asleep and we drove down to the Old Pioneer Press building where we rode the elevator equipped with its own Elevator Operator. Very cool! I doubt we'll ever be able to do that again. The building was very cool too! I love architecture. We had take out at a yummy BBQ place right by Minnehaha Falls. We then went shopping at World Market and Michaels. I loved World Market and had never been there before what a variety!
Sunday we went to Turtle Bread Company. Then to Wild Rumpus. Hayden had lots of fun with the little front door! He liked the cats and even pet them. He really liked the Chinchillas. The books too! We stopped quickly at Creative Kidstuff and bought none of their overpriced toys! Then we took a quick Trolley ride with Santa. This was the highlight of the trip for Hayden. He LOVED the Lake Harriet Trolley. Smiles the whole time. Whistles, Tunnels, Tracks, and rocks everything he loves! We then just barely made it to the Children's Theater for A Year with Frog and Toad. Hayden sat through the whole thing and loved it. I think he would love to be on the Stage. He loves to sing and dance and loves attention! The show was very cute! I love the Children's Theater! We then went to Macy's and saw the Nutcracker on the 8th floor(not 9th like i previously stated). Hayden was SO good standing and waiting in line he seemed to like it too. He did not like Santa and threw himself on the floor screaming. Oops! Maybe next year. Then we went outside and watched the Parade. Hayden sat on my shoulders. He waved and saw the front of the first float and then he was out, cold. Snoring in my ear. He was very tired! Only my son could sleep through a Marching Band 3 feet away!
We had a great weekend and look forward to a normal week! Christmas tree tomorrow hopefully! Its snowing right now, i hope it keeps up! Have a great week. Thanks for checking on us.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: family fun, holiday, pictures, Shopping, Swimming, vacation, Winter Fun
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hayden is learning all about Thanksgiving. So tomorrow we are going to say Thank You to everything. I believe its important to each him the TRUE meaning of every holiday. I don't want him to grow up too commercialized. The gazillion books he has on every holiday helps too! Jason got his buck yesterday. A nice 8 pointer. The biggest one he has shot with his rifle. So yeah for him!!!!! Hayden keeps telling us he is going to eat all the bucks. My poor baby has a nasty cold. I have been debating all week to take him in or not but i really think it is just a cold, virus and nothing else. I HATE when we go to the doctor and all they say is "Its just a virus" So i am going to save myself some pain, by not going! We are going to the cities this weekend for our annual trip. I do believe it will include the Holidazzle parade, the 9th floor display at Macy's and a play at the Children's Theater, A Year with Frog and Toad. I think this will be Hayden's first play. We have snow! Right now outside like an inch. I love snow especially for the holidays. That always makes me feel better. Well i hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Here is the Link to Hayden's Christmas Photos! Just Click here--------> Hayden
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Merry Christmas, pictures
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Update: No pictures happened last night! Hayden fell asleep and I couldn't wake him up. Appointment on Friday!
Here is a picture of Hayden in Brandon's new room! And a good example of his hair cut. Enjoying the Snow!
- Christmas Tree and Decorations up.
- Finish Christmas Shopping(Yes thats right finish!)
- Make my Apple Crisp, French Silk Pie, and Sweet Potato Casserole(For Thanksgiving!)
- Get All my loose ends done at work
- Hopefully paint the bathroom
Hayden has been a non stop talking hoot lately. "Why" "Why" "Why" Its enough to drive one nuts! But after talking to my aunt whose Grandson doesn't ask these type of questions i am quite Thankful for my wonderful, smart, beautiful son.
We have had a little issue potty training. He can't seem to make it to the bathroom. He has wet on my Pottery Barn bath mat one to many times! But we did better this weekend and only had one accident. Pullups are great!
Anybody have any ideas on the buffy? I'd love to hear them. I once heard of someone putting all the buffys in a stocking and then Santa would take them and leave gifts in return. Or putting them all in a baggie and sending them to Sarah for her baby. Hayden is a sucker for babies!
We are getting Hayden's Christmas pictures taken tomorrow, hopefully! We have his dorky little christmas sweater vest! I'll post the link to the pics on thursday if they are ready by then. I have a truckload of Sears coupons, so hopefully i can pick up something nice!
Hayden is a huge christmas/winter freak like me! I am so proud. He was SO happy it snowed on Friday and Saturday, of course none stuck, but he saw it and got to even throw a snowball. We are going to have a fun winter! We have been listening to Christmas music too! He only likes one song though, Jingle Bells. But he loves to sing and is learning the words!
Well i hope everyone has a great week! Check out the poll i am putting up, i need help!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: buffy, Daddy, Merry Christmas, pictures, Potty Training
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hayden is in love. Everything he ever has liked before does not hold a candle to this new love of his. It's Diego. Some know him as Dora the Explorer's cousin. He just adores him. He talks about him like he is a close friend. He is watching Diego's Christmas(Hayden's 2 favorite things right now!) right now. Well for Christmas we want to get him a Rescue Pack, but not the plastic talking one. So if anyone finds an obnoxious orange backpack please let me know!
Hayden got a haircut today =(
I am not happy. I told her keep the length just clean it up. He has short hair. He still has curls but they aren't flowing. I'll get over it. Jason and my mom both loved it. Its hair, it will grow.
Pics to come tomorrow!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween. We had a blast. Hayden was so much fun. He had his routine done pat. We'd walk up to the door, he would ring the doorbell\knock HARD, Open his treat bag up, say "Trick or Treat", Weasel his way in between the door and the person handing out candy(the closer the better i think was his plan, because he ended up almost in people's houses!), say "Hi", and then "Thank YOU". As we would walk away he'd say "Where to next?" Silly boy! I had so much fun watching him, he was a Trick or Treating Pro! He has a serving bowl full of candy! And boy was he on a sugar high last night, bouncing around! But oh well!
He decided on Tuesday he wanted to sleep in his own room, ummm OKAY! We moved his bed in their and he has slept thru the night in his own room both nights. He couldn't fall asleep, but we moved him! Nap time too. He actually fell asleep in his room! We are working on getting him a twin size bed, hopefully with a trundle so if any cute little girls(cousins!) can spend the night too!
I have to run! I have to work at 7 this morning, blah! I have a pic, its not very good though!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 5:22 AM 1 comments
Labels: fall, growing up, holiday, pictures