I hope everyone survived the mini blizzard we had on Friday. It wasn't as bad as it was suppose to be, at least here in Superior. We decided to bunker down at the Holiday Inn Express in Superior for the night on Thursday, since Jason and I both didn't have to work on Friday. We had fun. We were upgraded to a suite because nobody wanted to be on the lake side of the hotel, we didn't care. It wasn't even that noisy. Everyone at the hotel was freaking out about what they were going to do, we just kind of laughed it off. We swam and hot tubbed for a while and then got dressed and had dinner at Perkins. Came back watched a little cable. Hayden had his own sofa sleeper and just watched the storm come in. I am really glad we did it, we had fun. We may need to do this once a year on a snow day. We paid lots of attention to Hayden and made sure he had fun. To see if it was attention he has been seeking. We still don't know what is causing the crying. He had 2 major crying fits/tantrums. Thursday and Friday. Just the littlest thing sets him off and then nothing really makes him stop either. I think he just tires of crying. But Saturday and so far today we are good! Yeah!
Saturday i was able to get away for a Pampered Chef party at Angies house. I bought my favorite stoneware baking pan. I swear it makes the best lasagna ever. It sets it just perfectly. I see lots of lasagnas in our future! I bought a frosting spreader and stoneware scrappers too! Not all that exciting but i don't care its what i wanted. They also had little lemon cakes and boy were they heavenly. I am completely into citrus right now. Anything lemon i love. Including the Weight Watch Lemon Cakes, only 1 point and they actually taste like cake. Yummy!
I am going to be working a TON at WITC this week. Everyday but Friday. I will go to work at SHS and then go right over there until 8. I will probably be exhausted by Friday. Oh well. They don't really have anything for me to work on there either so i am thinking i am going to bring work from SHS over to work on.
Jason and I are going to Arizona in May! Yeah! Just for a short little visit to see Sarah and Casey and their new baby who is due on the 15th of May. Hayden will stay home, probably. I can't wait to see Sarah's house and School and everything.
Today we are heading to Washburn to the Dairy and then to Iron River for Pizza.
Sounds like a fun way to spend a snow day. Hugs and Kisses Antie Nah and Uncle Odie
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