We had a fantastic Christmas! We hope you did too. We celebrated many ways. Christmas Eve with the Moe Family, Christmas Day morning with my Mom and Dad, Christmas Day Afternoon with Jason's Mom and Dad plus the 3 other celebrations earlier in the month. Carson loves his present Santa brought him, The Leapfrog Learn and Groove Table. This has so many rave reviews from Moms on some of my daily visited websites and boy were they right! He is even pulling himself up on the table already to play with it. Hayden has been asking non stop to play one of his new videogames, but is loving his new Basketball Hoop and all the new games he received, we've been playing all sorts of games. Hayden gave him a pretty ring and Jason gave me Pearls! It was so much fun this year, Hayden really enjoyed everything and Carson loved the wrapping paper and bows....he would crawl to the bows from just about anywhere, especially the sparkly ones!
Hayden celebrate with 2 cakes(Smith made him one with green frosting! Papa bought him one with Green Sprinkles) He even received a couple birthday presents, an AirHog Switchblade from Smith and Papa and Gator Golf from us. We are having his big party on Jan 31st with Sliding and Skating again, apparently this is the only way to celebrate his birthday in his mind!
On Saturday we went to Brainerd with my mom and dad for a little vacation(Hayden told us it was the best vacation ever!) We enjoyed the waterpark, cookie decorating, playing in the arcade and other Brainerd musts, like eating pie at the Barn. On the way home we drove past an awesome light display in Sawyer(like 35 minutes from home), check out the link! We also got a super flat tire, but made it to the Holiday/Mcdonalds by Spirit Mountain and then Jason came and rescued us. We love that boy!
We now are resting, trying to find room for all the new toys(there is a ton!) and cleaning up all the boxes.
Happy New Year! Cheers to a great 2010!
Christmas Highlights Slideshow
Friday, December 25, 2009
Posted by Haydensmommy at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays, family fun, holiday, Merry Christmas, pictures, Snow, Swimming, vacation
Hayden you've become quite the little man. Your personality is much bigger than your body. You are amazingly smart and "your brain tells" you so much as you put it. Each day you amaze us with another fact or accomplishment we didn't know you were capable of doing. You love to count and math. You count to 100 ALL the time, if its shooting baskets in the house or just stuff you are always counting. You recently want to know about money and are learning all about quarters, pennies etc. You love your Shooting Stars Preschool with Mrs Starry at the Y. You play in the gym and show of your basketball skills! You are in the highest swimming class in your preschool and do well. Mommy was shocked that they taught you how to dive...you are still working on that skill! You still love to "snuggle" and lay with us in bed. You still use your "fringies" and love Rudolph(any time of the year) and Diego. Your imaginations is amazing and always doing things with Diego and Alicia. You like hats, milk, Reese's peanut butter cups, basketball, being outside, shoveling, swimming, baths, showers, waffles, golf, Wii and so much more. You look forward to Mondays with Papa Smith and love getting sprinkle doughnuts with Papa Moe. Green is your favorite color. You wear size 5 in pants and 5/6 in shirts. You weigh the same as you did last year! But have grown taller...you go see Dr. Maria in 4 days. You are a sports nut! Always playing golf, or basketball, or anything with a ball. You really want to learn how to play hockey and Mommy will sure try to teach you this winter. You love your brother and are a huge helper. You can always make him smile. You are always concerned about him crying and love to feed him puffs. You are daddy's buddy. You are also in Mommy's opinion is double...personality wise for sure! You are two peas in a pod. You do different things with Mommy. We've cooked, baked, played computer games, and let me dress you in all my funny outfits...and of course take lots and lots of pictures of you. You have beautiful eyes, eyelashes and curls!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Birthdays, growing up, Hayden, month by month
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Yeah! Carson finally did it! He is officially crawling as of Friday. He now is a trouble maker, pulling himself up on things and pushing buttons on the DVD player. He isn't very fast on our hardwood floors yet...thank goodness!
He also has a few times growled at me, when I tell him no! 7 months and already back talking...I think I am in trouble!
Hayden's excitement for Christmas and his birthday are bursting at the seams. I can't wait to spend this week with him. I have a few things in store for him.
I am officially on Christmas Vacation, oh wait Winter Break. I couldn't be happier...I was getting snippy with those sassy teenagers.
My friend Sarah lost her dear father in law on Wednesday. Please keep her and their family in your prayers. Its so nice to have her home for the next couple weeks. I miss her terribly.
We've celebrated 3 out of our 5 christmas(es). We had so much fun at all of them. Hayden has so much fun playing with his cousins. Jessica on Jason's side and all the crew on mine(Jacob, Ben, Hudsen, Toby etc!) Its fun to see him play so nicely with everyone...we were always a little worried about his socializing.
Carson was Baby Jesus at the Routh family Christmas(Hayden was the wisest wise man!!Well in my opinion!) He was super cute sitting on stage in his swaddling. Hayden was very proud of him too. Hayden also loved his blue shiny dress and crown. We've talked about the birth of Jesus and he knows the role of the wise men, and thought it was cool he was bringing his brother a gift.
We've been to Bentleyville twice. I highly recommend going. It was well worth the 90 minute wait to see Hayden and Jessica's faces when they meet Santa and received their hats(Hayden picked Green, of course!)
I turn 26 tomorrow. Yikes!
Here is a mini slideshow of some of my favorite pictures I've taken recently...
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, family fun, growing up, holiday, Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Posted by Haydensmommy at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, month by month
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Carson has used "more" a few times in the last two days to eat. Also when he sees his highchair he'll say "mmmmarh" So sweet. As this was Hayden's first word too! Even though he said "Hay Hay" to Hayden the other day a couple times, he hasn't said it since.
He is also on the move, scooting, turning and going from the sitting to crawling position.
Hayden has started basketball and I am so proud of him. He listens very well to the coaches and man can he handle the ball. He has total control over it! He is swimming too! He is already learning different backstrokes, and getting those butt muscles strengthened so he can become a strong swimmer! He is such a natural at sports and loves it so much! I don't know if I ever put on here that Hayden got his first Boogie in Sept at Nemadji!
Okay enough bragging about my boys!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Carson can now sit up alone for very long periods of time.( 5months2weeks) He has his two bottom toothers(Oct 27th the first one came through the second on the 29th). He loves, loves, loves food. Favorite is Sweet Potatoes, not too sure about fruit yet though. He can demolish a cracker in no time. He weights 16 pounds 6 oz, a whole 3 pounds more than at 4 months, crazy! Rice cereal must stick to your bones. You wear 3-6 and 6 months clothing and size 2 diapers. You still love your baths and now showers too. Your favorite toy seems to be the star stacker's(green star!). Brother can always make you smile and you love to snuggle with mommy. You are still a great nurser, Mommy never thought we'd nurse this long, and we'll keep going until you want to stop.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, month by month
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Hayden is so in love with his brother lately and Carson can't get enough on Hayden either!
Hayden is loving school and does "lots" every time he goes.
Carson is sitting up alone for shortish(2 mins) periods of time, he is growing up too fast!
We are trying to avoid the H1N1 and everything else going around...key word trying!
I've been doing some photo shoots around lately.....loved to do more!!!!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Post
Ohhh Hi Mom(almost sitting up alone!)
Bath Time!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: growing up, Hayden
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy 4 months Baby Carson! You amaze us everyday. You are such a great baby, talking and singing to us. You weigh 13 lbs 6 oz and are 25" long. You had a cold today(your first!) so you only got 1 shot and 1 oral vaccination. Dr. Maria said you are getting too skinny and should start cereal, so you had your first taste tonight...we weren't sure what you thought. You made your happy noise but then wouldn't eat anymore after a couple of minutes, thats fine you can just eat watermelon and bananas! Mommy gave you a little taste of those this month, you loved them! You are such a strong boy almost sitting by yourself and standing so well on your legs. You have a good hold on your head and don't bobble all around. You start playing in your exasaucer this month and like to have stare downs with my monkey. You just found your feet and now are always holding on to those toes! You even had a toy in between your toes the other day and another in your hands, talented. When Mommy picks you up after work you nuzzle into my neck, mommy loves this. You are still a good breast eater and eat every 3 hours. You also still are in size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes, although some 3-6 month are fitting you finally. You love to watch your brother play and keep your eyes glued on him.
This month you went to Craguns, again! The MN state fair, Paul Bunyan land(you rode on your own horse on the merrygoround), the Barnum Fair(you rode on a tractor), a train ride and I am sure lots of other places. We enjoyed the last month of the summer as best as we could. You went into your first lake(Minnesuing) and loved that just as much as your warm baths that relax you so much.
We love you little monkey, or Car-Car! Have Sept 8th to you!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, month by month
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I know, I know I've majorly neglected my blog but I've been very busy! First with lots of family time and vacation time and now work time. And secondly with pictures, pictures, pictures. I've done 3 photo shoots and editing like mad! Its a little overwhelming.
We spent some time in Brainerd at Craguns and in the Cities doing our annual State Fair trip. Jason was able to join us for the whole time for once, it was great to have him there. We had beautiful weather for Craguns getting to enjoy the outside pool, movies on the beach(Sandlot) and bbq-a lot! We went to Paul Bunyan land and went on lots of crazy old rides. Had pie at the Barn(Custard for Jason and Coconut for me) And enjoy campfire time with my whole family-even Emily was there! Its rare that everyone is together. The time flew but we knew we were headed to more fun, making it a little easier to leave. In the cities we ate cookies and drank milk at the fair, of course, watched the Twins win, played with a puppy, mini golfed and so much more.
The boys were great enjoying all the time with Nana, Papa and Daddy, they see me lots! Its crazy how fast the summer went, as do all summers around here. I survived my first week back to school, missing my boys like crazy. We had a wedding in Eau Claire this weekend and it was so nice, the weather and the wedding. I'll post more and lots of pictures... I have a sick baby right now with just a cold....for now and hopefully thats all it is.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
You are getting to be a big boy! You still are wearing 0-3 month clothes and a couple smaller 3-6 size. You still are working on the 1-2 size diapers too. You are SO strong. You like to be sitting up seeing whats going on. If you are laying down you will done little baby crunches to try and sit your self up- not quite yet though. You have total control of your head and probably be sitting up by yourself soon.
You've found your hands! Your right hand is more dominant than your left already and can get what you want now it just takes a little time. You've grabbed mommy's necklaces more than once and on purpose!
You laughed at Mommy for the first time on Aug 1st! She was sticking her tongue out at you and you being a little sleep deprived giggled and giggled, it was the sweetest sound ever. You still smile all the time and give us great big 4 dimplers!
Your Mommy greatly appreciates the fact you've been sleeping through the night here and there. Your brother didn't do this until he was over a year. You like to eat in the morning and then go back to sleep until 9 or so. Just like your daddy!
You love to snuggle. You nuzzle your head into Mommy and show her how much you love her. You have to snuggle a blanket when you are sleeping and it needs to touch your face still.
You seem to love music and when we sing to you. You even sing with us! Lately you seem to like songs with actions and Twinkle Twinkle the best! You really like to look at the baby in the mirror, you! You light up when you seen yourself just as we do.
You went in the Jumperoo for the first time too this month. You really like the sun that spins. You may be a little young for it yet but it gives you time to suck on your fist and drool, which you do a lot, you are a faucet sometimes!
Our family loves you so much and can't believe you've only been with us for 3 months! Happy Birthday Baby Carson! AKA Little Monkey and CarCar!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, month by month