Smith baby number 2's name is:
Carson. Its a combo of Carter and Mason too! Our 2 favorite names that couldn't be used.
Yeah to Lisa and my Mom for guessing correctly.
Yup, he still doesn't have a middle name. I like Emery, Bennett, or Emmitt.
Hayden spilled the beans to my mom last weekend. Or she badgered it out of him.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby #2
**I am bumping this up to the top until Hayden's Birthday Party! We are really enjoying hearing your thoughts!!!!! Keep them coming!
All is well here on the baby front. Baby is 96% nothing wrong, just has a lemony shaped head! His nickname will be Lemon =) As always he was very stubborn on Monday and Mommy got poked and prodded with the ultrasound wand and boy was she sore afterwards. I thought I'd have bruises all over but I don't. He also wasn't very willing to show off his face but very open to showing us his boy parts! I think i have more pictures of those than anything else! Silly little guy! We also have his first name set! But middle name is another story! Oh well we have a while left to figure that out.
Hayden has been a busy little bee lately. I think he still has Christmas pumping through him. He has been sleeping very well and long too! He also knows most of his constants sounds! Again I can't take full credit for this, as we started working on them and he just knew most of them. vowels are hard for him, but I still have to think about them too! We are pretty pumped because we really wanted to start working on reading this summer and think we might be almost there!
Hayden is having a Skating and Sledding Birthday party on Jan. 31st too! We will have the house open and have stuff at the Warming shack across the street. It will be an all day affair from Noon until dark! Hopefully it wouldn't be too cold! Look for your invitations soon! They are being printed today, hopefully correctly this time! Oops Mommy mistake!
I thought maybe we could have a little contest with our Baby's name! Put your thoughts under the comments section and if we have a winner how about a free McCafe from Jason's McDonalds? They are yummy!
I'll give some hints.
**40% of all boys names end in the letter N. As in HaydeN and JasoN and BrandoN.
**The most common first letter on the 100 Most Popular baby names is C, reoccurring 12 out of the 100 times!
We'll give it until Hayden's Birthday party!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:37 AM 7 comments
Labels: Baby #2, Birthdays, Ordinary Day
Monday, January 26, 2009
We had a fun, fun weekend! We celebrated Jessica's birthday party down at her house on Saturday. I have a TON of pictures! Its weird to me that they are both already 4. Where does time go? Hayden and I were looking at pictures and it seemed like just yesterday they were totting around. It was cold this weekend so we didn't get to go sledding, but this weekend we will! Cold or not! As of right now the weather for sunday is suppose to be 32, which really isn't that bad!!!Hayden got his first makeover this weekend, by Miss Jessica. He loved it! LOL. He did think it was pretty cool. Sunday I had a wedding shower for my cousin Katy who is getting married in 2 weeks. I have so many weddings this year! This is just the first one, but I'm excited and it should be fun. Jason also is getting fitted for his tux for Jon's wedding this week and Kenny's. He is very excited to be wearing "coral" for Jon's wedding. Too funny. Also our baby countdown is down to 2 digits! 99 days, crazy.
Enjoy the pics! More updates this week! Can't wait to see everyone at the Party on Saturday!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby #2, Birthdays, Hayden and Jessica, pictures
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I am soooo wanting to take pictures of babies! Today i purchased a tutu for taking pictures in. I already roped Jodie's little girl Callie into posing for me! She has some way cute baby chub, can't wait to do it! Jason purchased a bunch of stuff for me for my birthday and christmas for a mini photo studio, and i haven't used it yet. I love taking candid pictures mostly but its so hard in the winter as everything looks so washed out or blah. I love color!!!! I can't wait for a newest Model, ummm i mean child to arrive!!!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Post, pictures
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I am in baby mode, i don't know why! I want everything ready, soon! I have been making my birth plan, yes i am making one, and yes my Doctor didn't think i was a wacko, control freak for it, she thought it was a good idea. I want to post it and probably will! Hayden is even wanting things done for the baby. He wants his clothes ready and wants to make sure we have a crib for him and such, so cute! So I am going to make a list of things i want for Baby #2 that I probably won't get, because, well they are mostly extravagant and probably useless! Lol!
1. A handheld video monitor. Why? For going outside with Hayden when baby is asleep this summer, without worrying too much!
2. This crib set. Why? Because I already bought this one. But will probably buy these accessories for the boy's room.
3. A Bumbo seat. Why? They look cool, and I didn't have one for Hayden!
4. The Quinn Buzz stroller. Why? Look at the price tag, that's why not!!! =)
5. A Sling, this one in fact. Why? Its the "in" thing to "wear" your baby. Practical, probably not due to the fact it will be summer and me and the baby probably don't want to roast to death!
6. This breast pump. I know weird thing to post but its handsfree! I could do so much will sitting there helplessly!
7. This house! Its a long shot, but hey it only takes less than month to get after your purchase and order it! I bet they have lots of time right now too!
So its like my wishlist! I can wish can't I?????
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby #2, Mommy Post
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
On Wednesday we told Hayden he was going to be a big brother. At first he just thought about it but now he is super excited. Some things out of his mouth were: "When he pops out of your belly I am going to take a picture of him" "How old will he be on his birthday? (me) Zero (hayden) Well we need to go buy him a zero candle at Wal mart, they have them there you know" "I am going to share all my toys with him" "I bet my brother will be so cute" "Can i touch him" "He needs to eat your food mom, so he can grow big and strong"
So cute!
This morning he woke up and said good morning to "our baby". He keeps saying that his baby is going to be soooo cute.
I am posting this to show him in a few years when he can't stand his brother! =)
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby #2, Big Brother
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I had my 4th ultrasound yesterday to measure baby's head and face. He was quite cooperative and we got a lot of pictures of our little guy. But they still couldn't get a really good look at his head shape/size and I am now going to a high risk ob on Monday for a "few hour" ultrasound, fun. They said that his shape may be irregular which is a sign of Spina Bifida. But all my tests for Neural Tube defect came back super good, so my Doctor said not to worry they just need to further the tests. He was sitting breech and that is not a good position for head measuring. But anyways we are not to worried about it yet. But here are some pictures of our little guy!
3 of his fingers. His face in 4d. You can see his eyes, nose, and chin clearly.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Absolutely Maybe
Along for the Ride
Artichoke's Heart
Audrey Wait
Being NIkki
Black Box
Black Rabbit Summer-Very Good!
Chains-Very Good!
Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
Forever Changes
Fourth Comings
Hollywood is like High school with money
I Know It's Over
Killer-I really like this series! Its so teen!
Kiss Me, Kill Me
Laguna Cove
Look Both Ways
Paper Towns
Perfect Fifths
Sharing Sam
Spanking Shakespeare
Suite Scarlett
The Lucky Place
The Luxe
Posted by Haydensmommy at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Post