For months we've been trying to decide what car/van/suv to buy for me. It would be our primary family car the one we drive to soccer, to the cities and to Target. It had to have a few pieces of criteria even for me to consider....It had to fit 3 carseats, just in case! In my car we can't take any of Hayden's friends anywhere, the seats just to fit in the back. I wanted captain chairs in the middle, with 2 carseats I don't want to be climbing over seats or taking carseats out to get to the 3 row, which is another need. And of course it has to fit all my photography stuff! Good gas mileage was a plus too, and we wanted something reliable. So first we wanted the Ford Freestyle(2nd picture...I goofed!) We looked and looked for one to test drive, finally found one at Sonju in Two Harbors so we drove up there and drove it, Jason didn't like it, the transmission was a cvt and wasn't to his liking. I also left not all that thrilled with it. Than came the Pacifica, but yeah its a Chrysler, enough said.
Mountains cost extra!

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