Sunday, September 19, 2010
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:46 AM 0 comments
State Fair Fun! We went to the fair on Labor day this week....we've never done that! I had to work on our normal day, but we still had lots of fun! It definitely felt like fall though. Carson loved it too. Both boys were a little on the crabby side, but its okay!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Hayden is loving school and hasn't complained once about going. He looks forward to playing with his friend Emma on the playground every day(Emma was on our soccer and TBall team this year) They are buddies! He has a couple friends in class that he talks about regularly. He also tells me about what the "naughty" kid does, and that he'd never do that. He really likes his teacher and loves going to gym, music and art. We have a rule that he must tell me 3 things everyday that he does at school. He is trying to learn to tie his shoes because they are going to have a competition to see who can do it the fastest and wants to win!
The other day I got home from work and was talking to him about school and everything was great....then like an hour later he says "Oh I forgot to tell you, I was playing football and tripped and hit my head on the fire hydrant" I look at his hair covered forehead and see a big black and blue goose egg and swollen bridge of his nose. I asked him if he got ice for it and he said no, he didn't want to tell anyone. I felt so bad for him, he was scared to tell someone he got hurt. So the next day I kindly asked the teacher to give a little lesson on telling people when something happens.....the only person he told was Emma.
We decided to not do any fall sports this year. The poor kid is so exhausted when he gets home everyday, I don't know how we'd put football in the schedule 2 times a week. He goes to bed at 8:15 and wakes up at 7 every morning, he needs all the sleep he can get!
My Mom saw his teacher at East End days and she said that Hayden is quite the perfectionist and wants to do everything exactly right....not sure who he gets that from!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Posted by Haydensmommy at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
16 Months!! Wow!
You are a crazy boy, who loves to make us smile! Your silly and serious, loving and a bit of a bully. We are amazed at the things you do! This month you've decided you can talk. With any length car ride resulting in at least 20 "All Done. All Done? All Done!" You can Thank you very politely too. We ate out on Sunday and the waiter even was impressed with your manners. You say "Mama" a lot pretty much in general or when looking for me, still not direct at me. You will try to say most things we ask. Emma, Brandon and Vacuum have came out of your mouth when asked. You know lots of animal sounds too. Moo(actually you say Boooo), woof, woof, and then you pant with your tongue. You love Brown Bear, Brown Bear and we read it all the time and you can do most of the sound from the book.
We went to Craguns in the end of Aug and you remembered it when we pulled up to the building and got so excited and wanted to go to the beach. You love walks in the stroller still and being outside. You are getting better at sleeping, usually sleeping through the night one or two times a week, we'll take it! You love to play blocks and cars lately. Mommy loves the little motor sounds you make!! You are not shy and will blow kisses to everyone. You love to visit Mum Moe at the nursing home and always go right up to her and tell her stories and give her love. She loves to watch you sign too. Which you've been doing more and more. Signing More, Please, Water and we're working on some more.
Mommy has no idea what you weigh or your height! You've seem to get taller this last month so maybe 32" You are wearing 18m and some 12m. Shoe size is 6(they are a little big) and Size 4 diaper!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, month by month
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happy 1st Day of Kindergarten Hayden! Today was technically your 2nd day but yesterday we went as a family for an hour and half...doesn't really count! You woke up so happy and ate a yummy breakfast of pancakes, banana and milk, you didn't eat much and that made Mommy nervous you'd be hungry(which you did say your tummy was grumbling right before lunch! Listen to your mommy!) After getting dressed we sat around the house for over a half hour! We got to school and we waited until the bell rang and went into your "wing" found your coat hook(which is actually more like an area, you get like 5 hooks!) hung up your stuff and went into the classroom. Your teacher Mrs Szymomowicz(yes I get to write that name on all his stuff!) calls everyone "my friend" makes mommy think of Billy Madison for some reason. And then you were off like you'd been doing this for years! Carson and I waved goodbye to you and your school from the parking lot!
Daddy picked you up after an exciting afternoon of locking his keys in his truck at Cirrus. You said you had a good day, ate lunch with someone in a vikings shirt and played playdoh. You also colored a picture of a snake, turtle and yourself. You are excited because if you bring your Blue Folder back tomorrow you get a sticker and are looking forward to that!
I hope you are this excited about school your whole life Little Buddy!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: growing up, Hayden, school
Posted by Haydensmommy at 5:28 AM 0 comments