I think its time for a little Carson update!
Boy is this guy full of it! He is what my brother calls a Sour Patch Kid. He is so sweet but watch out sometimes.
He loves his choo-choos still. Still has his 2 loves in his life, his buffy and his "mmmm" (blankets). He loves Dora and Diego lately and sings along to their theme songs. He counts to 10 in spanish and 12 in english. He knows all his colors including white, brown and wello(yellow, my favorite he says). He says "O-Tay" instead of okay. He knows all his letters big and small and is working on the alphabet song. He doesnt like loud things and always is letting us know when something is "too noisy".
He loved traveling on our trip always pointing out the sky, sun, moon and water. He still talks about the "Big Heads" and "waafalls" (waterfalls).
He knows his brothers favorite things and plays Harry Potter with him. With both of them casting spells on one another and falling down backwards into the chair.
He is going to a new babysitter and he loves it! He always wants to go to "Natie's" and see her baby.
He loves playing with Breckie and Baby Ky. He loves Haira(Sarah) and is very open to her. He talks about the one time Sarah pushed him in the double stroller with Kyler, he loved it.
He loves to help! Which is a mixed blessing.
He is a dare double and loves going on rides at the fairs this summer. He also "Mounces" all the time!
He is wearing 2t clothes, size 8 shoes and size 4 diapers. He weighs about 33 pounds and 36" tall (I think!)
PaPa and NaNa's revenge? He is just a 2 year old boy and we are so glad to have him.
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