Sunday, June 20, 2010
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Ever have a hard time coming up with a good book to read or buy as a gift? I have a great list for you to look at! I now have read 5 books from this list and loved them all! After feeling this way and giving a few students books from the list I can confidently say its a sure win list!
The Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) is a gathering place for ideas, books and expertise in children's and young adult literature. Now thats from the CCBC's website. They are also located in WI down in Madison and they are known as a expert in choosing great literature and children's books. Every year they come up with a huge list of great reads! Here is what I've read so far:
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti
And Then Everything Unraveled by Jennifer Sturman
Once was Lost by Sara Zarr
On my shelf at home right now is:
Purple Heart by Patrica McCormick
No More Us for YOu by David Hernandez
How to Steal a Car by Pete Hautman (MN/WI Author!)
Candor by Pam Bachorz
Plus a ton more books I need to read this summer! Check out their list, has something for every reading and age level!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Great Books, Mommy Post
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
For months we've been trying to decide what car/van/suv to buy for me. It would be our primary family car the one we drive to soccer, to the cities and to Target. It had to have a few pieces of criteria even for me to consider....It had to fit 3 carseats, just in case! In my car we can't take any of Hayden's friends anywhere, the seats just to fit in the back. I wanted captain chairs in the middle, with 2 carseats I don't want to be climbing over seats or taking carseats out to get to the 3 row, which is another need. And of course it has to fit all my photography stuff! Good gas mileage was a plus too, and we wanted something reliable. So first we wanted the Ford Freestyle(2nd picture...I goofed!) We looked and looked for one to test drive, finally found one at Sonju in Two Harbors so we drove up there and drove it, Jason didn't like it, the transmission was a cvt and wasn't to his liking. I also left not all that thrilled with it. Than came the Pacifica, but yeah its a Chrysler, enough said.
Mountains cost extra!

Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Post
13 Months! Carson weighed in at 23 pounds 6 oz and was 31.5 inches! Both were at the 60th %. Dr. Kundel said he is perfectly healthy little boy! Carson has started blowing kisses with a little mwah sound at the cute! He has 8 teeth now, 4 on top and 4 on bottom. He still loves his buffy and blankets(we have 4 in rotation) His favorite food lately is Strawberries and anything with peanut butter, things he didn't really have before he turned 1. He would eat strawberries all day long if I'd let him. He also loves pizza, oh soo much, he'll eat 2 pieces, sometimes more than his brother. Animal crackers are to a new favorite. He loves, loves being outside playing in the sandbox, playing on the jungle gym or even just walking. I had him at home alone one day and the stroller was in the living room and he went up to the stroller and tugged on it and than turned to me and yelled at me, he wanted to go on a walk! So we did. He may not really talk but we sure know how to communicate! We test him to see if he knows what the heck we are talking about, and always does the command or get what we tell him, pretty sure he just chooses not to talk. He does babble, and babble and babble. Its quite entertaining trying to figure out what he is saying! He says "WhatsThis" as one word a lot especially when he sees a dog or something outside. He also has fallen in love. With Elmo. He even hears the music and he literally runs from where ever he is and stands at the bottom of the tv and than says "yeahh" He loves that fuzzy red guy! Its funny how much a like Jason and Carson's personalities are alike sometimes. Both love to lay in bed in the mornings, they just can't pop up and go. Carson loves to watch people's reactions to him, loves being the funny guy!
Carson is in size 3 diapers, 12 month clothes(Some 18m shirts for cuteness factor!), 12 or size 4 shoes.
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Carson, month by month
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Oh Soccer! My Kiwi team is getting better that's for sure! We have finally started listening to us(Coach B and I) and getting that ball towards the goal. These last few games the kids really have opened up and tried kicking some butt! Only 2 goals were scored on us the last game. I am getting a killer workout, running up and down the field for an hour! Its fun, but I am so ready for it to be over! Its actually a lot of work, but fun work!
Hayden is a great player, of course. He is driven and focused. He wants to make a goal so bad! He was goalie today and blocked 4 attempts, he was a very proud boy. Hayden and a girl named Emma are a great team, she reminds me a lot of Emily. A couple other kids are really doing well too! Its great to see the improvement over the last month!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Post, sports
Hayden finished up his year at Shooting Stars this last week. What a great program it is too! I wish I had known about it long ago. He made some great friends, Mackenzie and Lanita, always together! He excelled in his swimming--making it to a higher level than his age even allows! His teacher, Mrs Starry had so many wonderful things to say about him and how he will wow his teacher next year at kindergarten. She was excited to know that he is going to school at the same school as her son too. We celebrated with a swimming party for all the families followed up with pizza and ice cream. We even went on the waterslide, a highlight for Hayden. They built mar shallow sculptures on the last day which will always stick with Hayden I think, the boy has a deep love for marshmallows.
Congratulations Hayden on completing Preschool!!!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: growing up, Hayden
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I have all these ideas to blog about and no time!!!
-Hayden finished up Preschool this week.
-Carson's crazy behavior lately!
-End of the school year.
-Memorial Weekend
My hope is to get it done soon!!!!
Posted by Haydensmommy at 8:10 AM 0 comments