Monday, December 18, 2006

Baaa Baaa

On Saturday we celebrated Christmas with the Routh family. We had a lot of fun. The Aunties put together a Nativity Play. Hayden, Ben(2 1/2), Jacob (3), and Ethan (2) were the sheep. They stole the show. Everyone but Hayden came out crawling and baaing. Hayden was crawling, saw my mom and yelled "Nana, Nana". Then they all just wondered around the "stage" until the end. But they had everyone laughing so had. They were way too cute. Ethan, my cousin Nathan's son, is 9 days older than Hayden. They were playing and standing next to each other. Hayden was a whole head taller then Ethan, he only came up to Hayden's shoulders. It was funny, my baby looked like a giant. Ethan is just a peanut though, and so funny. He has the cutest personality ever. I asked him if he wanted to play, and he looked me right in the face and said "Noooooo." We all had a great day. It was so nice to see everyone it's hard to get the family together.

Poor Josh, he got attacked by sheep!
Ethan, Jacob(on Josh), Hayden, Ben

I have a little sheep and his name is Hayden. Baaa Baaa.

Make sure and visit my favorite cousin Jessica's new blog!