Thursday, July 1, 2010

Book Review!

September Fair by Jess Lourey

When finding books for our CSI class who reads 1 fiction book relating to murder, mystery, forensics etc it gets a little difficult to find books that our good choices for our high school students. So when I read a book review on this title I knew we had to get it. Being a MN author and curriculum used book, I felt like it would be a sure win, boy was I right! I am going to go use my rest of my BN gift card to get the rest of the series, since I read the 5th book in the series. The school is going to need them too! She is witty, and writes with so much detail to us "Locals". This book takes place at the Minnesota State Fair and she describes it to a T. Using the street names and other markers that only people who have been to the fairgrounds would appreciate. Her mystery also had a good storyline. I think she writes much like Janet Evanovich, one of my favorites. A funny mystery book sounds wrong, but she got it right!
Her website....