Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I think my son is actually a 20 something living in a 3 year olds body. Some examples needed? Okay i have a few.

His favorite show to watch at bedtime is "Gilmore Girls". He knows all the characters by name and can sing the theme song. He likes Paris who is the arch rival of Rory. He thinks the show "is so funny. giggle giggle."

New favorite song? He sings almost word for word "I"ll Stand by You". Carrie Underwood style of course! We were at the library today and wanted to check out a CD with "Stand by You" on it. We couldn't find one.

He is my second half sometimes. He always knows where i put my glasses, coffee cup, cell phone, or purse. He can find it almost always before i can!

He loves to shop for little girl's clothes. Since he is a big boy now he shops right along side me and "follows the leader" while we shop. When we hit up the Baby/Toddler sections he always picks out a "Oh Cute" outfit. Usually involving sparkles, yellow, or Dora! Yellow sparkly dresses are a must to show mommy!

What a goof ball!