Monday, June 1, 2009

Random Tidbits:

*Hayden makes us laugh more and more everyday. ex. Mommy says "Hayden when did you get that lure?" Hayden responds "Mom, I've had it for YEARS!"
*Hayden wants to be just like his daddy. Last week he got up and picked out his clothes, choosing a striped polo and brown cargo shorts. Basically Jason's unofficial uniform, he always is wearing that in the summer at home.
*Hayden however still wants to snuggle his mom at bedtime and quiet time. Mommy also is the one who still can make owies better.
*Hayden loves to help, especially with his little brother!
*Carson was born on Jason and I's 7 year dating anniversary. Yes we've been together for 7 years!
*Carson was also born on my Grandma and Grandpa Moe's 65 wedding anniversary.
*Carson is so strong for a newborn! He has great control over that little neck of his.
*Carson's newest nickname is "Hot Dog". He looks just like a hot dog when he is naked, long, skinny and nude color! Hopefully Mommy will stop calling him this before he goes to school!
*Hayden and Carson got to see all their Great Grandma's this weekend, at different random times!
*We have the cutest baby bunny living under our shed.
*Video Baby Monitors are the greatest thing ever invented!
These pictures are also available for your viewing pleasure under the May09 album!