Monday, April 23, 2007

Rocks, Ice Cream, and Fishing! Everything little boys love!

Well as i write this i have to say i am a little mad at the weather! It rained a good portion of the weekend and here on monday morning its warm and sunny! My mom and dad took Hayden on saturday afternoon to find warmer weather. I didn't take much, before they got to Danbury it was 70ish. Hayden got to throw rocks in the water, a new favorite past time! When we got home and i asked him what he had for dinner he told me Ice cream cone, ahhh grandparents! I did learn he really had a hot dog and ice cream later! He had so much fun though, he loves warm! His "thing" this weekend was every time we saw water he'd tell us he wanted to go fishing. He has never been fishing, but we found out that Grandpa Smith, has brainwashed him a little, and did a good job with it! But we'll have lots of fun this summer, i actually like to fish too! We both agree that fishing in a boat isn't really a go for the summer, he is still too little. We think that if we do we'll go to Sand Lake in Barnes, our favorite! We did get a little walk in Sunday morning to my mom and dad's. Hayden rode is awesome bike all the way there. He did great! But i suppose i can try to get a walk in right now if i motivate myself enough! Have a great week!