Sunday, January 14, 2007


Oh my goodness! We had a HUGE turn out for Hayden's birthday party. I just did an official count, 49 people in our little house! That's crazy. Everyone just about came to the party. I hope everyone had a good time, even though it was a little nuts here. Hayden did. I do however feel bad for Hayden. He woke up this morning and wanted it to be his birthday again. He kept bringing me the matches(oops!) and saying "Hayden, Happy Birthday". So i lit one of my candles and sang to him, that seem to make him happy. Auntie Renee gave Hayden a tee shirt, that says I'm Two, You've been warned. But I put it on him to take a few pictures and he told me that he got that for his birthday party. He was excited. Poor Jess isn't going to have a birthday this year. Hayden decided it is not her turn it's his again! So she'll just have to stay 1 for another year. Sorry Jessica!

We really had a good time. It was a lot of people and a lot of work but worth every minute. It's great to have pretty much all the family together. All the boys plus Jessica played so well. She is so cute! She had gotten a hair cut with bangs and looks SO cute! Not like she could have been any cuter as it was.

Grandpa Mike had a big oops at the party! He spilled on my new couch! Cranberry Raspberry punch. But THANKFULLY i bough a massive bottle of cleaner and all is well now. Its came completely out, lucky for him!

Well Thanks everyone for coming and the super nice gifts, he can't get enough of them, all of them! He sees one and drops the other, and this has been continuing since he opened them!

See you soon. Have a great Sunday!