Sunday, September 30, 2007

I can't believe another week has gone flying past us. It was a good week though, A new season has started! I am in love with Grey's Anatomy, loved Private Practice(made me cry!), and got into the new show Gossip Girl(sorry mom!). Lost isn't on until half season so like January i am guessing, boo! Oh well. I haven't been much of a tv watcher until last year, i had like a show every night. Oh well. And i love the Internet! I missed Gossip Girl so i watched them online, i love it! Grey's too. Make sure and use this awesome feature if you miss a favorite show.

We love our new babysitter! She is only coming one day a week for now. Her little boy, Ben gets along with Hayden so well! I am very happy with this arrangement! Hayden loves tuesdays now.

Not much else has happened. We haven't seen Jessica in a long time! Hayden keeps telling me let's go to Jessica's house. Hopefully soon!

My best friend, Sarah found out she is pregnant! I am so happy for her and Casey! She has a due date of May 15 right now. I am cross your fingers either going down for the birth and/or for a few weeks after school gets out in June. I am going to bring Hayden with in June and Jason too! She is actually up until Wednesday. It has been so great to see her this past week. I get to see her tomorrow too, one last time until Christmas. Congratulations you guys!

Hayden was happy to see his Auntie Em today, she came up for a quick visit.

Go Packers! Another happy sunday in the Smith house. If Daddy is happy the whole house is happy! I have even got him to STOP yelling at the TV. Football games are on when Hayden naps! Its a good excuse for me to take a nap too!

Have a good week! Enjoy the wonderful Fall! Its the favorite season here in the Smith household!

Make sure and vote! I set up a poll at the right! Just something fun and new from Blogger!

I didn't take any pictures this week! So i thought i would post an old one! This is from Sept. 18th, 2005!