Thursday, November 1, 2007

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween. We had a blast. Hayden was so much fun. He had his routine done pat. We'd walk up to the door, he would ring the doorbell\knock HARD, Open his treat bag up, say "Trick or Treat", Weasel his way in between the door and the person handing out candy(the closer the better i think was his plan, because he ended up almost in people's houses!), say "Hi", and then "Thank YOU". As we would walk away he'd say "Where to next?" Silly boy! I had so much fun watching him, he was a Trick or Treating Pro! He has a serving bowl full of candy! And boy was he on a sugar high last night, bouncing around! But oh well!
He decided on Tuesday he wanted to sleep in his own room, ummm OKAY! We moved his bed in their and he has slept thru the night in his own room both nights. He couldn't fall asleep, but we moved him! Nap time too. He actually fell asleep in his room! We are working on getting him a twin size bed, hopefully with a trundle so if any cute little girls(cousins!) can spend the night too!
I have to run! I have to work at 7 this morning, blah! I have a pic, its not very good though!


Anonymous said...

He's so handsome, PaPa