Friday, November 30, 2007

This morning Hayden woke up about 6:45 with "Sparkles" in his hand. I am thinking his hand fell asleep and was tingling. But i thought i'd share that with everyone because i found it very cute early this morning! So i brought him into bed with me where i had a sneezing attack and in his sleep he told me "Bless You" each time i sneezed! What a cutie!

Our almost 3 year old has quite an attitude lately. I think and hope it's because he isn't feeling up to par. He is super stuffy still and felt warm to Mommy last night. But it will pass like everything else does! That is by the way my motto for parenting! Those were my 2nd wisest words to Sarah about her future parenting. (The 1st was to tell your kids you love them tons and tons when they are little because it wouldnt be that easy when they get older.)

My silly son also has been spending a lot of time talking on his wrist. Hmmm. But he is talking to Diego on his watch. I also have been called Dora a lot this week. His little imagination is working so hard i LOVE it. To me even before reading i think imaginations are so important! Baby Jaguar has also been at our house hiding so we have to go find him. Where mommy thinks he is and where Hayden thinks he is, isnt always the same. Oops! Silly Mommy!

Its weird how little boys and girls for this matter are so different from one another. Hayden isnt into cars and trucks. But he LOVES Sports and Diego right now. He likes trains, which is the only toy he really plays with these days. At Angie's house all Jacob does is play trains, he lives, breathes and talks about Trains 24/7. Ben LOVES dinosaurs. I wonder if any of this carries through into grade school and so on. My brother played with Cars and legos until recently. Hayden doesn't seem interested in cars, i find this weird but also a good thing. He knows what he likes and has decided for himself. Being an individual is all it is, probably at its earliest form.

Not sure whats going on this weekend hopefully Christmas Tree. Thats all i have been wanting to do since Tuesday. We got a new, free! Entertainment center so i had to rearrange the living room(again!) and we are moving the old one in the basement but while we did that we felt a draft and went to Menards and the whole "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" thing. The Old one is still in the living room, where my tree is going to go, so hopefully.....

Have A Great Weekend! Yeah it's Friday!


Anonymous said...

did you forget that you are helping Hayden's nonny at the church bazaar this weekend???