Friday, December 25, 2009

Today marks Hayden's fifth birthday! And Christmas, of course! Merry Christmas Everybody!

Hayden you've become quite the little man. Your personality is much bigger than your body. You are amazingly smart and "your brain tells" you so much as you put it. Each day you amaze us with another fact or accomplishment we didn't know you were capable of doing. You love to count and math. You count to 100 ALL the time, if its shooting baskets in the house or just stuff you are always counting. You recently want to know about money and are learning all about quarters, pennies etc. You love your Shooting Stars Preschool with Mrs Starry at the Y. You play in the gym and show of your basketball skills! You are in the highest swimming class in your preschool and do well. Mommy was shocked that they taught you how to are still working on that skill! You still love to "snuggle" and lay with us in bed. You still use your "fringies" and love Rudolph(any time of the year) and Diego. Your imaginations is amazing and always doing things with Diego and Alicia. You like hats, milk, Reese's peanut butter cups, basketball, being outside, shoveling, swimming, baths, showers, waffles, golf, Wii and so much more. You look forward to Mondays with Papa Smith and love getting sprinkle doughnuts with Papa Moe. Green is your favorite color. You wear size 5 in pants and 5/6 in shirts. You weigh the same as you did last year! But have grown go see Dr. Maria in 4 days. You are a sports nut! Always playing golf, or basketball, or anything with a ball. You really want to learn how to play hockey and Mommy will sure try to teach you this winter. You love your brother and are a huge helper. You can always make him smile. You are always concerned about him crying and love to feed him puffs. You are daddy's buddy. You are also in Mommy's opinion is double...personality wise for sure! You are two peas in a pod. You do different things with Mommy. We've cooked, baked, played computer games, and let me dress you in all my funny outfits...and of course take lots and lots of pictures of you. You have beautiful eyes, eyelashes and curls!

We love you so much! Never stop amazing us. We have faith that you were grow up to be an amazing person that will accomplish much!


Budsdad said...

What a great little boy