18 Months!
27 pounds 10 oz
33 inches
Size 4 diaper
Size 24 Month Clothes
Size 5-6 Shoe
Whole cow has your language exploaded in the last month! You know how to say: Choo-choo, Mama, Daddy, HayHay, Papa, Nana, Hot, Eye, No no no, ear, love you, sit down, up, whats this, where is, all down, cheese, apple, elmo, baby and grandma! You speak Chinese with Russian too. You say all these words regularly and know their meanings.
At Dr. Maria's yesterday you answered all of her questions with uh-huh. It was very cute to see you sitting in the chair in just a diaper answering the doctors questions.
You love to play with blocks, trains and balls still. You have been carrying around up to 4 big bouncy balls about the size of you fist, not sure why though!
You love to wash your hands and brush your teeth like a big boy. You use our IKEA stool and can reach the sink in the bathroom.
You love apple juice and will only drink milk with a little(very small amount!)chocolate added you simply don't like the taste of milk.
Applesauce and yogurt are favorite foods at the moment.
You love going on wagon rides, we bundle up and walk.
You are so much fun! We love you Carson!
We won't talk about the wonderful tantrums you throw!
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