Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a great weekend filled with lots of Easter celebrations. Hayden hasn't eaten much candy, and I'm not too concerned! We also were blessed with nice weather, which Hayden enjoyed more than the candy. He just loves being able to play outside, and I'm happy that he is finally getting to.

Saturday we went to Grandma Sandmon's and played all day with Jessica. They play so well together and were little giggle monsters! They play some the things they did when they were little. Jessica pushes Hayden on the bike, Hayden pushes Jessica on the bike. They've always do this! I got a few pictures, shocking i know!

Sunday after church that was performed by the Bishop we went to my mom's and spend the afternoon there eating yummy food and looking at lots of pictures, very nice and low key! That doesn't happen very often.

Here is my April 2009 album including this weekends pictures!